I Wander, I Wonder
I Wander, I Wonder
Sometimes I do wonder,
And wondering I do hard.
Along with it comes the feeling,
To compose a little like Bard
My mind often does wander,
In a world which is far.
It may be non-existent.
But you got to raise the bar.
A world of possibilities,
Where wounds don’t leave scar.
Where love flows in abundance,
No existence of a beggar or a czar.
An error free world,
Where people are not at war.
Respect for individual exists,
And hearts are not black as tar.
A world where every morning,
All shreds of darkness depart.
With a mind as clea
r as crystal,
We labor and complete a task.
A world where all have vision,
And people strive a lot.
Not where all have one motive,
Which is others dreams to thwart
A world where conversations are,
In a tone as sweet as honey.
Not where mirth is all lost
And people talk, but its cacophony
A bunch of people we are,
Whose small has grown the heart.
We are happy in our small worlds,
But the bigger world has fallen apart.
And by showing you this world,
I have left a door ajar.
You might get lost in its midst
So don’t wander in it too far.