Arpita Ranka

Drama Romance


Arpita Ranka

Drama Romance

I Am Done

I Am Done

1 min

I'm tired of trying.

I'm tired of crying.

I gave you all of me and you don't seem to notice.

I gave you the best of me and you don't seem to care.

I gave you everything.

At first, you were amazing.

Then you got comfortable.

You started to have an "I don't care" attitude.

You threw me away like a used napkin.

Do you know how I feel?

I have no more tears left to cry.

Everything I say to you is a lie?

I can't make you believe me.

I'm done.

How do you think I feel?

Do you consider that?

I don't think so.

I love you.

That scares me the most.

You say you love me too.

Do you really?

If this is what love feels like,

I want out.

From what I know 

This isn't love.

Love is truthful and happy.

Not lying and full of fake promises.

I love you and I hate that.

I can't take it anymore.

One day you want me to be with you forever.

You can't live without me.

The next day you never want to see me again.

You don't want anything to do with me.

This isn't love.

If this is what love feels

Then I don't want this love.

I should leave you with all the memories you've had with me!

Cause if leaving is not an option then staying shouldn't also be an option.

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