himanee bisht



himanee bisht


Hold On Before You Commit

Hold On Before You Commit

2 mins

The most rending sadness of all.

When a person feels he/she has loose control.

Many questions hidden inside, could never be answered committing SUICIDE.

Don't CONTEMPLATE this thought of giving life.

When your courage to overcome could Shine so bright.

Hold on!!! I beg Never leave your pain and guilt on loved ones, rather take some time and try to heal your mind.

You will not feel so blue!! Still, you are green, yes it's true!!

It's late now to change the past but not too late for a better future outcast.

It's isn't brave to give up life, until you try to overcome failure in life.

Your life isn't all about you, When you hang!! that rope hangs your family too.

Think!! how many?? you will kill committing suicide "the biggest sin".

Suicide never tells the truth rather, questions who were around you.

Never pay your life for any guilt.

You are special, you are unique.

Always look forward and wi

n on the battlefield.

Suicide isn't a solution to any problem.

It's a way, how weak person quit from confusion.

Stop thinking!! About what will happen next?? Ever accepting the defeat.

You can't imagine how blessed you are!

Share your problems with loving ones, They'll never hurt your soul-making "you" feeling down.

Then why?? you kill yourself making "them" feeling down.

Don't make it a trend.

The consequences other bears could never be dreamt.

Life has been given to live not to kill.

Ups and downs are the part of life, The real hero is the one, who courageously stand to shine next morning.

You'll agonize till death arrives.

But your family and friends will agonize throughout their life. Your parents work hard to see you SUCCESSFUL not to see you KILLING YOURSELF.


But in the end, the choice is yours...... A loving world you want.

Or The biggest sin you plant.

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