i'm not here to romanticize
what's going on in my mind.
i guess i'm here to put my thought
on some lines,
to write down some words,
so maybe i'm fine.
to let people know that
they're not alone,
despite all their struggles,
that they still have hope.
so maybe some kids can
confide in a friend,
or maybe in me,
if all else ends.
My goal is to help, and not to harm.
to let people know, that they have an arm.
an arm to lean on and a
shoulder to cry.
so stay with us pl
ease, you have so
much life.
"I'm worthless," you say and
keep on thinking,
but listen to me, there's
reason you're breathing.
there's reason you're here, and
you've not gone away
and I admit,
you may not see it today,
or tomorrow,
or in months,
or even in years,
but one day you'll look back
and you'll be glad you're here.
so don't give up now,
I know it's not easy.
but listen to me, and you listen
there's no turning back
when you are a ghost.