Flashes of epiphanic moments reveal,
Rarely but clearly, freedom is not in withhold,
Every day I feel it fresh and new …
Every way I manifest it, if not many but a few…
Down the memory lane I reflect…
Out there I behold, nobody but myself held it back…
My freedom, my birthright never at stake…!
Frustrate never, the world in no way holds you back,
Respect thyself to earn it from others…
Eternal law of nature has blessings in abundance,
Every soul has its rightful share
of excellence,
Desire to execute freedom at will only,
Is the need of the hour, like the birds that fly,
Spread your wings to the sky…!
First or last is not that matters most,
Reaching for the stars, take it as your sport!
Extra will to win, excellence in every form,
Enters your life like a welcome bond!
Drop the fear, no one is going to hear,
Only the mind that is free, wins laurels you see…
May your freedom be restored unto thee!