smile forever

Abstract Romance Fantasy


smile forever

Abstract Romance Fantasy

Emotions And Wind

Emotions And Wind

1 min

Drumming of the clouds

It seems going to rain

About the time to experience

The feelings of wind

Glittering above you

Comes the thunderstorm

Along with hustle and bustle 

Came the shuttering sound

Wind pass through you

Feels like you are in flashback

All the memories joining you

to remember the time 

You have your moments touch the soul

Cater all your mistakes

You can't make to surpass it

Call the vibes of perplexity

Cause with the illusion

of not overcome it

The energy you encounter

Makes you happy and of the best comes out of you

Blow off all your w


Tuning with the wind

Swinging around the fast waves

Emotions which seems to pass 

with your illusion of affection

connect feelings of us

Created by untouched perfection of departure

Is it just a coincidence of you

Making the wind passing around within you

Losing the mind with your aroma 

Guessing answer until your name struck around the brain

To able to console the heart

Just tune with the wind

Guessing hassling around

Hey it 's the wind

But it seems more than that

A emotion rooting within you

Is this just a nonsensical believe in you or craving love

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