Dragon And The Rest of Us
Dragon And The Rest of Us
We all have heard of tales,
Of dragons with long and thick tales,
Who breathed fire,
And burnt the wood and the air,
Who hoarded gold,
And protected this too,
With power and might,
Not the other's delight.
Today too we have these,
Not with fire and gold,
But with viruses and bacteria,
Who doesn't come in open,
And fight like those of yonder,
Who thrive on the rest of us,
Feed on the fear of the rest of us.
Who thinks for only themselves,
Who spread fear and terror,
Who speaks of the duties of others,
And forget deeds of their own.
Who care not for own progeny,
Who ca
res for the power of infinity,
Who think of one world,
To lord over and gain power.
Do we still need,
These dragons of yonder or now?
Are we still fearful,
Of the power of fire and viruses?
Can we lead a life,
Beyond the fire of the Dragons?
Be it is difficult enough,
It is not impossible,
Fire can be blown out,
With storms strong enough,
Dragons can be thrown out,
With the power of unity strong enough.
Come let us at least,
Try to live in a world,
With no fear of dragons,
No fear of fire,
A world simple for you and me,
For generations four and three.