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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

AnonymouS PoeT



AnonymouS PoeT




1 min

Singing a song so loud in vain,

Can't get over so does it pain,

A desire, desire to vanish em all,

Vanish the emotions that I once fall,

Never so perfect so was I,

My love for you no one can defy,

A desire, desire to just see a smile,

Oh! dear haven't seen it for a while,

A desire, desire was to make you my own,

But the vehemence now its flown,

The pieces that now fall apart,

Couldn't see ur face, wasn't so smart,

The sands once we walked through,

The footprints now vanished though,

The desire, desire that was so beautiful

The nights, nights which was so musical,

Happens to be a memory of past,

Remembering, still, my heart beats fast,

The desire that was so pure,

How can I let you go not so sure,

The memories, still so alive,

Get deep, the deeper you dive,

Singing a song so loud in vain,

Can't get over so dies its pain.

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