Here I stand, under the canopy of a thousand stars Here I stand, under the canopy of a thousand stars
The universe forms a canopy to spread its light; The divine light of unfathomable love, unity, an... The universe forms a canopy to spread its light; The divine light of unfathom...
We may not always have rooftops overhead; but The blue yonder always forms a canopy to shield us... We may not always have rooftops overhead; but The blue yonder always forms a...
Thereby love flourished! Deep and profound!! Lovers don't finally meet each other! They are... Thereby love flourished! Deep and profound!! Lovers don't finally meet eac...
The world is a stony place, dripping flowers Drooping beneath the blue canopy, kaleidoscopic vis... The world is a stony place, dripping flowers Drooping beneath the blue canop...
He did fight and conquer with his might, The tempests wild, the tides gruel-some. He did fight and conquer with his might, The tempests wild, the tides gruel-some...