Birds Chirp New Songs Everyday

Birds Chirp New Songs Everyday

2 mins

The birds chirp new songs every day,

The sky is never the same colour,

The clouds are always of different funny shapes,

bringing new stories from miles away,

but to only get disappointed,

because they never find a listener.

The wind blows gently,

whispering the secrets of the universe into hundreds of ears-

of the poor ignorant fools,

who find their momentary happiness in false gossiping about someone’s life,

usually someone they are jealous of.

They try to spread love in the world of blind and deaf egos,

controlled by their emotions and their mind,

always in future or past, Never in Present!

They complain how every day is just the same,

But I never saw a person getting a visit by the same wind every day,

They do so when new rays of sun warmly kisses their heads,

They do so sitting inside their four walls,

too scared to walk outside,

too scared to talk to themselves,

too scared to look into the sk

y of a billion stars,

too scared to hear the celestial music.

They will never see those stars dancing in the sky,

they will never hear that Divine music of Life,

the beauty sits alone now a days,

because robots and science have found a way to exchange Life!

The sun rises and sets alone,

no one is there to listen to its old tales,

everyone is busy running towards some unknown destination,

hoping they will find Happiness,

they will never see those stars dancing,

they will never know themselves,

those stars that shine inside of them.

I see a new day every day,

I see excuses flying around,

I see people sleep walking, sleep eating, sleep working and sleep sleeping every day,

finding their peace and happiness in machines,

while the universe out there screams,

longing to be one with us.

The birds chirp new songs every day,

and if someday,

you could hear it's song,

you'll find your happiness.

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