"The birds chirp new songs every day, and if someday, you could hear it's song, you'll find your hap... "The birds chirp new songs every day, and if someday, you could hear it's song, ...
"We sometimes complaint times are tough many is tight" "We sometimes complaint times are tough many is tight"
We never imagined a day would come, When we have nothing to spend time We never imagined a day would come, When we have nothing to spend time
You are enjoying a luxurious life. Whereas, everyday someone is dying for a slice of chapati. You are enjoying a luxurious life. Whereas, everyday someone is dying for a s...
A strange thirst I felt, but the water was poisoned. Drinking it would have lead to death; A strange thirst I felt, but the water was poisoned. Drinking it would have l...
To beseech your eyes, And find whether I survived The renovation. To beseech your eyes, And find whether I survived The renovation.