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Moomal Kainat



Moomal Kainat


Birds: A Beautiful Creation Of God

Birds: A Beautiful Creation Of God

2 mins

Five little birds were sitting on the wall,

Two were tall and three were small,

Suddenly, tears in my eyes came and fell,

When the gossip between them I recall,

When I was listening that I felt the stoppage of my heart’s Wal and Now, I want you to listen that all n all,

One of the birds was saying with grief,

Alas!!!! We lost our friend last night,

When we were planning a dinner that night,

Ohhhh!! What a grief is this for us all,

Why don’t humans feel the pain and grief of Paul,

Why don’t they realize that what we are for them all,

We are the most beautiful creatures and natural singers from God,

We are valuable indicators of the health of the natural world,

If we disappear, it could lead to danger to the environment & human race,

How biggest threat is this for humans to face,

Oh… our little friend, as he died and how can we stop crying,

This wrenched my heart, as well as your heart, is wrenched,

As a human, we should not ignore this and leave birds to die,

Because our religion teaches us to be kind and to let birds fly,

Just imagine the bird fallen from trees like some fallen leaves,

The silent bird which can’t chirp any more,

No one can look up to this bird anymore,

On the biggest forest floor.

We will miss birds and their sweet voice cuz they bring happiness to all,

We will miss some beauties, some small and some tall,

It's our duty to save these beauties from the enemies and provide a safe place and hall,

Let’s save them! Let’s save them from being shot,

Because they are the precious gifts of God,

Let’s save them! Let’s save them from being locked in cages,

Only the sky is their free and peaceful home for ages,

Oh, human being! We don’t have the right to hurt or kill them.

Birds are to live free, chirp free, and sing free,

Let’s save them from all danger and let’s see their glee,

Let’s make this world and sky a safe home for them,

Where they don’t lose their friend again.

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