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Anaika pathak

Drama Children Stories


Anaika pathak

Drama Children Stories

Best Friend, I Miss You

Best Friend, I Miss You

3 mins

I remember when I first met her

Such little students we were

It felt nice talking to her

I was homesick but with her, I felt better

She became my best friend

And we promised each other never to get separated till the end

Thereafter, we met every day

And the silliest games possible, we used to play

We completed our primary and high school together

We told each other the things which we even hid from mother

Then we had our last school exams, then college,

We started to go to different places to get knowledge

I was always afraid of losing touch with her

I wondered if I could find another

But slowly so many things in life came up

And I had no time for such thoughts, so I gave up

Gradually we grew old and lost touch

I never realized I miss her so much

We did not talk at all now

Times change so fast.. Wow!

After a few more years, I completely forgot her

I forgot what a good pair we were

All the memories, all the games

Were all just good old forgotten days

Until one day, I went to my old house

And opened my cupboard to see a mouse

I shooed it away and saw my old stuff

I blew the dust with a huff and puff

So many mark sheets were stacked in the corner

At that time for me, marks were the need of the hour

In another corner were my belonging like pens, pencils

But when I laid eyes in the center, it gave me shrills

In the very center was a small pile of colorful paper

They had beautiful drawings but who was the painter?

I picked it up to realize it was a friendship day card

Given by a friend, saying goodbye to whom, for me was very hard

She was the friend whom I was talking about earlier

How could I forget someone so dear?

That day itself I decided to look for her

Thanks to social media, I came to know where she and her family were

I went to meet her the very next day

In my mind, her memories were all that could play

Finally, I reached her house and stood at her gate

To meet her, I could not wait

I rang the bell and a small little girl answered the door

And her face struck me in the core

She was the spitting image of my friend just as I remembered

So, about her mother, I enquired

The girl ran inside and called her mother

She was busy and I felt guilty to bother

I waited and waited but no one came out

So to go back I was around to turn around

When suddenly someone called my name

I turned so hard, I hurt my chin

There she was my childhood friend

We hugged each other, now no one could separate us till the end.

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