Even the clear skies have secrets Follow me at @aestheticlyvirtual on instagram for amazing charcater letters and microfiction
Look what I have done Look what I have done
He came in before 3 days when I was about to turn 18. He came in before 3 days when I was about to turn 18.
I know a boy with a New York dream I know a boy with a New York dream
I have heard of fireflies, they are something of a kind... I have heard of fireflies, they are something of a kind...
Every morning I pass by a lake, I'm sitting in the bus, music in my mind, I see sun already has rise... Every morning I pass by a lake, I'm sitting in the bus, music in my mind, I see ...
I saw you on the stage that day I saw you on the stage that day
We feel we get to do everything all over again but we don't realize that what's has beg We feel we get to do everything all over again but we don't realize that what's ...
The funfilled and carefree life of childhood days The funfilled and carefree life of childhood days
And I knew that I was meant to be on the other side. He saw me and understood I had los And I knew that I was meant to be on the other side. He saw me and understood I ...
There is no warmth without fights there is no understanding without discussions There is no warmth without fights there is no understanding without discussions