Spiritual Soul that Spreads Positivity at all State, As Positivity is the mystery of Persevering Will! Follow me : @sharmaamitosh
But if you failed all credit goes for your own fault and you will be left solitary to bear all's bla... But if you failed all credit goes for your own fault and you will be left solita...
Love is an art of drowning in the deep ocean of eyes, Love is an art of drowning in the deep ocean of eyes,
And others 'Happiness Goal'. And others 'Happiness Goal'.
Sometimes, The Glimpse of life lies in, Sometimes, The Glimpse of life lies in,
& your emotions will force you to feel, "It's better to be dead rather than alive". & your emotions will force you to feel, "It's better to be dead rather than aliv...
Passionate love lies, Passionate love lies,
Causality.... Causality....
Ultimately a simple question arises, what we want from our life? What eternal happiness really is?... Ultimately a simple question arises, what we want from our life? What eternal ...
Life will be full of colourful ray. Life will be full of colourful ray.
Life is an uncertain play, Life is an uncertain play,