Teacher, writer , poet and social worker
Covid-19, just leave us Covid-19, just leave us
The poem provides safety tips for Corona. The poem provides safety tips for Corona.
No doubt to say, friends! He is IRON MAN of India... No doubt to say, friends! He is IRON MAN of India...
Let them live like thee, Mind them as nature's gifts.. Let them live like thee, Mind them as nature's gifts..
The friendship heart, The word you mind... The friendship heart, The word you mind...
May the persons disbursed Relationship stands long To Purify the way to friendship H May the persons disbursed Relationship stands long To Purify the way to fr...
Of course, we have no money Poor among the poorest Of course, we have no money Poor among the poorest
Of course he is lucky Many people depend upon him Of course he is lucky Many people depend upon him
Smoke is a poisonous snake It thrills the smoker a lot Smoke is a poisonous snake It thrills the smoker a lot
The poem shows that life is easy with a good friend. The poem shows that life is easy with a good friend.