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Unlock solutions to your love life challenges, from choosing the right partner to navigating deception and loneliness, with the book "Lust Love & Liberation ". Click here to get your copy!

United We Stand

United We Stand

1 min

A land of festivals and the land of Religions

Each celebrating the essence of their Regions 

A land of several languages and plenty of holy lands 

Speaking, reciting mantras, hymns, and prayers of different strands 

Different cultures and traditions 

Different colours and hues 

Be it paintings or rangoli, dolls, puppets or toys cute 

Cuisines are too many, and dresses also, far too many 

Tastes of a varied kind and styles and fashions of course as many 

Temples and Mosques, Churches and Gurudwaras

All the roads lead to God, Bhagwan, Jesus, Allah or Digantaras 

Monuments and pillars, memorials and Stupas 

Museums and caves, forests and fun vistas

Classical music, Hindustani or Carnatic,

Haveli, Gurbani, Geet, ghazal, bhajan or thumri, so melodic

A land so enriched by its diversity 

A land so influenced by its ancient history 

A land so vibrant with its cultural chemistry 

A land so magical with its mystical mystery 

A land so embraced in secular. Democracy 

A land so fertile with many rivers generosity 

A land so rich in great men and their philosophy

Teachings and tales, fables and folklore, mythologies and histories 

Are but our resources for unity in diversity 

Live and let live is our motto 

Be it Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian, ditto

Jain, Parsi, Buddhist on their Mission

Love for every religion and region is of utmost consideration 

Love and respect to every citizen is a constitutional right in this Nation

"If we love our country, we should love our countrymen too."

 For all men are born equal, be it her, him or you.

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