Zuni On The Moon
Zuni On The Moon

This is a story of a little girl called Zuni. Zuni and her parents had shifted to UK from India shortly. They had admitted her in a dance school which was barely a few kilometers away from their home. Her parents used to pick her up everyday at 6:30 pm while returning from office. But one day they were late.
As such Zuni decided to pass her time by playing in a garden nearby. There she spotted a mysterious looking ladder resting against a creepy looking tree! Out of curiosity, she started climbing the tree in order to explore what was above. She kept on climbing and climbing until she realized that she had landed on a peculiar surface that was white. For a moment she was confused and when she looked around, she realized that she was on the moon. But it was completely different from what she had read in books! There was a soft breeze blowing and she could feel it gently touching her face. She realized that she could walk normally. She saw several creatures playing around joyfully. She could see people catching the stars just as people do fishing on earth and were collecting the stars in a basket. But something spectacular caught her eyes. She could see white smoke coming out of a huge cauldron! Witches
were dancing and singing around it in a frenzy!
Then she understood that those smokes were rushing towards the earth as clouds in order to fall down as rain. When she went near the witches, they tried to catch her and put her in the cauldron. Zuni struggled to free herself from the clutches of the witches. Just then, she heard a voice, "STOP!! Let her go!". Zuni turned around to see a beautiful woman, wearing a white flowing gown, sitting in a chariot, driven by two white rabbits. The witches let go off Zuni at once and bowed to the lady so low that their nose touched the ground. The lady said in a calm voice, "Do not be afraid Zuni , I am the moon goddess Luna. Your parents are waiting for you on the earth". Saying this, she waved her wand and murmured something in a jiffy.
Zuni found herself in the garden from where she had climbed on to the ladder. She turned around and saw her parents rushing towards her. Everything happened so quickly that she could not understand. She turned back and saw that the ladder was gone. She looked at the moon and saw Luna winking at her. She knew no one would believe her. So, she smiled to herself and went back home, happily, with her parents.