Kaweri Mishra



Kaweri Mishra


Who am I

Who am I

3 mins

Roshini was quite an active child and had memory like an elephant and exceptional observation skills. She was good in her academics. She loved little things in life. Her father loved her and believed in her capabilities as she was the brightest amongst the three siblings. Roshini loved to hang around with her father and would accompany him in his trips to market, marriages and reception party. She studied from a very good school in her locality and was able to complete her engineering and MBA also remarkably. She loved the company of people who were genuine that was the reason she had very little but good set of friends.

One of the striking characteristics she had was that she would try to do her best in any situation she was. She won’t just give up. During her MBA she took up computer science as her major. They had theory and practical in that. They used to do program coding in their practical session. Boys were pretty good in coding and they had a huge gang of them flocking around in the lab helping each other when they were stuck. They completely occupied the LAB the whole day and even at night leaving no room for girls with limited capability on coding. Roshini wasn’t exceptionally talented technically but she always wanted to try. She won't give up easily. The practical lab room had become a boys' room and she felt like a fool each time she entered there. She tried to code on her personal computer but

the application that was required for her practice couldn’t be installed on PC. Days passed and she qualified her MBA somehow managing the LAB work. When she started working she felt a similar issue in her work area. Core technical areas was men’s domain here too. She eventually started believing that women are less capable technically. She married and then became mother and slowly and steadily her attention shifted to family life.

She was blessed with two girls and she loved them to core. Gender based capabilities difference was out of her mind completely.

But nature wanted to answer her something. One day her elder daughter was struggling playing basketball with boys. Boys were quite good. Roshini was observing her for some time when suddenly she felt a jolt.Computer lab and the feeling of having no space for her flashed back.She was taken aback when she heard the boys around her daughter commenting on her poor playing skills.She baffled seeing her daughter not paying heed to them. All of a sudden her daughter jumped over a player and dunked the ball in basket flawlessly. The same gang of boys started clapping. Seeing all this something changed within Roshini forever.

Her daughter was a mirror for self-reflection and she showed her that its not gender that brings capabilities it is the attitude to learn.Talent is not gender-specific and the urge to achieve the goal is all that matters.

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