Yashodhan Waghmare

Others Classics Abstract


Yashodhan Waghmare

Others Classics Abstract

What Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

1 min

What would you do if, 

A young pigeon takes it's 1 st fly and it loses its balance comes down and crashes on an empty plot,some crows come there and starts hitting it .

The pigeon can fly but it is in fear and sits down.

You are passing by and you see it,

1*you make the crows away, ensure the safety and move on. 2*Or let the crows do there work and move on.3*take the pigeon home and help it to recover.

Choice is yours. 

if you choose to take the pigeon home and save by tre

atment and feeling great considering oneself a very good person what would you have done if it would be a crow and you just hated it by its look and had you choose to save it. 

if you choose that let the crows do there work and let move on and feel what an issue it was just a ugly pigeon, what if it would if was your favorite bird say Parrot. 

so what I want to say we do have choices but our choices should not differ, if we are good we should treat everyone with the same love and care not by judging others but by judging our own self... 

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