Mittul Goswami

Drama Thriller


Mittul Goswami

Drama Thriller

Triggered: Part-1

Triggered: Part-1

9 mins


"Isn't it fascinating? Isn't it an intriguing story? We are already living a life that hardly we have ever dreamed of before. From discovering fire to leaving footprints on moon, we(humans) have come a long way. Now, nothing is impossible. Science fiction has become a fact. We have already reached the limits of an ordinary being. Now, it's time to surpass it and enter the beyond." quoted Mrs. Hadley in another normal science class. She has always been like that. Often, she goes off topic and tries to inspire some young minds of Texas High school. Even being the head of science department of Texas science society, she left that high paid job to make country's 'future' (as she used to say it) and since then she's been serving this somewhat dull school for about 30 years. Even entering her early 60s, you'll always find her full of zeal and always open for any doubts or questions. No matter how much the teenagers may get spoiled, no matter how much her colleagues hate her for her habits, but deep down they all know that she's the 'hero' of the school.

 "To venture the beyond," she continued. "We have to be aware of what's happening all around the world. I know we live in Texas and it's hard for you all to explore yourself. Growing unemployment rates,an increase in drug addicts numbers and all the household jobs that no boy wants to do these days is what defines our state. But there's a lot to be positive too. Texas is the biggest state of our country and we should be proud Americans for that." ending with a big smile to make things lighter for students."Well, you all might be thinking what was the point of this discussion? It was to tell you all about the good things that still prevails even after all the negativity we are surrounded with. Anyone can aspire to become great. Texas is now the leading research centre of whole United states and we all know the reason behind that." Mrs Hadley quickly tapped on the desk after the indistinct chatter among students and continued, "Yes ! You all are absolutely right. It's Apex Chemicals again!"

For the readers, Apex chemicals is the leading producer of all the famous drug free medicines and has been awarded many times for new 'out of the box' initiatives that the firm is taking to excel in medical field. The success story of this company is a miracle of its own. Apex chemicals is roughly one year old. Before that ,it was nowhere near to any Top 100 startups lists issued by the country. Just a matter of fact, the same company is now well established and is topping every single chart. The credit goes to the founder, Dr. Bell. He was a dropout of Texas highschool himself who realized that drugs are deteriorating his health and financial condition. So, he not only quitted it but also tried his hands on making medicines and other placebos which stimulate the minds and helps in quitting drugs instantly. Things which make it more interesting was that it has no side effects at all and it has been tested many times (usually on animals). Mr. Bell is already an inspiration to more than half of the population of Texas. Everyone wants to be like him here. The amount of success he got in such a less time is more than appreciable. He has also discovered various new chemical compounds that were termed as "mythical" in past.However, he gives all this credits to two things mainly. First, his school and second is the highly nutritious soil that Texas possesses (which is very weird). He believes that the land has a lot of hidden qualities in it which are still to be explored. The word 'explored' reminded me of something that I forgot - to carry on the story. (Aah yes,I went off topic too , just like Mrs. Hadley. I'm sorry about that because it's the first time I have been writing stuffs like this.)

Mrs. Hadley looked even more energetic while telling the biography of the man of the moment, Dr. Bell. Soon when she realised that she's stretching the topic and students have started to loose the interest (hardly left by this point), she raised her voice to break the monotonous vibes and said while moving her hands to draw attention, "So, as the matter of Thanksgiving for what this school has done in impacting his life and career, Dr. Bell is coming to our school tomorrow to address you all, in hope of enlightening the few. So, who wants to be the part of this event?" . After all this, one thing was sure that Mrs. Hadley will definitely come tomorrow irrespective of other attendees. She always used to say to the students that it was Dr. Bell who was her favorite student and she was the only one to trust him. Now, seeing him achieve milestones in life is definitely the proudest moment for that woman. Also, it will be a great thing seeing her colleagues burn by jealousy when Dr. Bell will give credits to her for his growth. You never know what's happening inside a woman's head.

She opened her eyes merrily as she drifted back slowly from her fantasy world to reality. Surprised to see only few raised hands of interested students, she quickly quoted "Well, he's a very busy man and a famous one too. He may never come back to this school again. You all should definitely not miss this opportunity. And yes, don't forget to bring your assignments on Monday. Goodbye Class." She left slowly ending up at a high note. Whenever she leaves the conversation at such a high note, she is indirectly referring to the famous two students whom she always look up to - Christopher and Gary. The two goofy nerds of the class who have an astonishing level of curiosity with latter being more of a book worm. However, Christopher Jones is more of a jerk and stubborn teenager who is chasing his dream of becoming a professional basketball player. The local town kids dub him as "gifted prodigy" as he's very quick with the ball and has a decent height too. He came close to living his dream twice in the past, but bowed out both of the time because of an injured wrist and broken leg respectively. He is an injury prone guy and he hates it a lot. He has been working very hard this whole year on his fitness. Even dedicating most of his time to this sport, he somehow managed to maintain a good IQ and high grades just like his best friend (or at least a good friend), Gary Wilson. Due to this, they both are often a subject of bully in the school but they never cared about it much.

"Hey, Did you know that heels were initially meant to be wore by men?" said Gary with immense excitement and glittering eyes. "What? Ehh.." jokingly said Christopher while taking out his I-Pod from the locker. "Haha yes! In 10th century, The cobbler who made the first pair made them for a man on his wish. But he made it of wrong size and the man bought it as a gift for his wife and there you go! I just can't stop thinking how you would have looked in the heels. Christopher playing basketball in the heels would have been perfect." both giggled on their way back home.

"Why you always come up with such weird facts Gary? and your worst part, you even start imagining me fitting in every situation." both continued laughing. "Anyways, aren't you coming tomorrow? You not even raised hand today!" questioned Gary.

"Dude! Why would I? It's my birthday tomorrow. I will be 16 tomorrow. I'll be doing all the things I always wanted to do since my childhood. Also, tomorrow's Saturday, it was our rule that we will never come to the school on Saturdays right?"

"Yes that's right. But just think Chris. It would be a perfect start to your birthday, meeting one of the guys who inspire both of us. It will be so cool to see the CEO of Apex chemicals. Omg I can't wait now.Also, even Mrs. Hadley said that we may never meet him again in our whole life." objected Gary.

"Oh come on. Don't be pessimistic. We have a whole life left ahead. He's a Texas guy too, we can easily meet him or see him pass by our streets. Also I need to throw my basketball seniors a party if I wanted to play next year." said Chris making his point clear.

"Oh so that's it. You're leaving this opportunity just for basketball huh!?"

"Just!?"said furious Christopher." Do you really think basketball means 'just' that for me? Those posters of Lebron James and Michael Jordan (both basketball players) resting on the walls of my bedroom are not just there because I like them. I freakin' love it. I wanted this what I'm doing my whole life. I want this so badly. Even you know that Jacob has a lot of contacts in the Texas sports association. He and other seniors can easily help me out by considering my name for the team. You know how much I've lost and felt bad in last two years. I was so close, but I failed. I can't take any risk this time. I'm gonna do every single thing to achieve my goal. If a party can please them so be it. I'm ready to throw countless parties." Exhaled Chris with every single breathe he had. His eyes were a clear proof of all the sufferings he had before and how determined he is.

"Of course yes! You have time for your new friends and your team's captain Jacob. But not for your old pal. I thought we will enjoy those cookies and you'll invite me to your house." Said Gary with hopes of inflicting guilt.

"You don't understand Gary. I will be officially an adult tomorrow and you are also going to be one after three months from now.We are not the same kids anymore. We can't do those silly things again. I have a lot of friends. You won't understand because you don't play any sport. Grow up bro! " 

By this time, the normal chat was transformed in a very dark and intensified atmosphere. His lines were followed by an eternal silence. Gary was surprised to hear this. The sun almost settled down. Christopher gazed on his watch and said, " Anyways I have to go now. My walk with Dino(his dog) is still due. Bye!" 

Gary saw him with helpless eyes, as if he wanted to say something. As if he wanted to yell at him. But he took a deep breath and walked away. Anyone present there would have easily guessed the sorrow and the pain that Gary was feeling as it was reflected by his actions.

Is that what happens? Is that what occurs between two friends when adulthood hits you hard?

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