Prashant Karkera

Children Stories Drama Others


Prashant Karkera

Children Stories Drama Others

The Train Stunt

The Train Stunt

11 mins

“Hey, Yesterday I saw the movie Ghulam. Aamir Khan was too good. What a train stunt he did!''. Ritika told excitedly with her twinkling eyes.

It was a Saturday afternoon when Ritika and her friends were hanging out on the secluded railway station. Ritika, Saravanan and Rahul were good friends since they joined as freshers in an IT firm. During weekends, they either hangout together or spend time with their families.

Ritika would always prefer to stay with guys and hardly knew any girls whom she could call best friends. The very girly behaviour of discussing fashion and beauty made her stay away from the girls in her class and organization. She would often find herself sharing similar interests with the boys. Saravanan, whom everyone fondly called Saru, and Rahul were the people with whom she liked to spend time. Her slim built body, long lips and perfectly toned skin made the guys fall for her the moment they see her. But Saru and Rahul were different. They didn’t treat her like the princess who constantly need someone to take care of. Although she liked the attention, but getting treated differently was not her cup of tea. Her family didn’t like her tomboy behaviour and often opposed this. But Ritika always blamed them for it.

In her teenage days, when Ritika saw the actresses and women on television or movies, she wished to wear trendy and expensive clothes and accessories like they wore. When she requested her parents to buy those expensive clothes, they usually ignored her wishes without giving any reason. Being the only child, she expected more of pampering and wish fulfillment from her parents which she didnt get. Her friends parents would organize lavish parties. But Ritika did not get the chance to host one. Gradually she lost interest in fashion and beauty and developed the feeling of hatred for her parents. Little did she know that they could not afford the luxury she was asking for. “Will you ever treat me like your own daughter?” she would often ask them.

Placing her left palm on her thighs and resting the other elbow on the bench, she leaned forward waiting for Saru and Rahul’s comment on the movie stunt. As she leaned forward, she saw Rahul blankly smiling. She raised her eyebrow expecting an answer. But he looked away. Saru was watching the railway tracks and a train passed by making a loud sound. As soon as the train was out of sight, Saru said bluntly, “They are all fake and so are you" said Saru. Rahul stared at Saru and felt a sense of anger.

Saru was a 6 feet man with straight hair often styled with short side and angular brush back. His looks and sharp intelligence often attracted his peers with least efforts. But his blunt statements and confident attitude often landed him in trouble, which happened this time too. He didn’t have any personal issues with Ritika. As compared with other girls, he preferred Ritika as she would seldom talk about homely issues and skincare. But he liked to hangout with boys during the weekends so that he doesn’t have to be cautious about what he talks and in front of whom.

"Do you even know Aamir actually performed the stunt for real? It was not fake! And I am not fake too, You know that! You better not mess with me. I have seen many people like you and I do not give a damn to such people. ” Ritika blasted. Saru became furious. But before he could start with his harsh words, Rahul controlled the situation.

Saru did this most of the time with Ritika. And Rahul didn’t like it. He secretly had a crush on Ritika and wanted to be much more than friends with her. But he never gathered the courage to express. With his average looks, he often pretended to be not interested in her or any girl. As he watched her excitement about the movie-stunt, he smiled and saw few hair strands fall on her cheek and adored the way she tucked it behind her ears. He wished he could do it himself. But he was good at keeping secrets. His wishes and dreams were unknown to most of them, even his close friends. Nobody knew what is going on in his mind.

Rahul was often dressed in denim jeans and a shirt with folded sleeves. His short stubble was one of his best features and suited him well. Always available for friends, cool minded and good at handling situations he won many hearts with his improved comedy. On listening to Saru’s reaction, he instantly got up, pulled up his sleeves and blurted, “Will you stop fighting like cats and dogs? It is already so hot and I have got drenched. I should have rather opted to sleep at home with my snoring uncle who has taken over my bedroom since a week. At least it was better than listening to your barks and meows.” 

Ritika chuckled. Rahul fell for her more.

Saru was silent. Amidst this silence, there was a loud horn by a passing train. There were multiple tracks in the railway station. One could see around 7 of them as trains change tracks here.

"Just before the next train arrives, I will run towards it. As soon as the train nears me I will jump outside the track," said Saru.

Ritika laughed uncontrollably. She stood up from the bench they were sitting on and headed towards the tracks while laughing. She started panting after laughing for about a minute and finally said, “You should join some comedy show. You make me laugh so much!”. Rahul blankly looked at Saru. He knew Saru was serious.

Saru would usually talk less. But when he talks he has some serious stuff to say. There are very less jokes in his platter. Rahul and Saru knew each other for 5 years and went along with each other well because of their interest in cricket. They had even joined a cricket club which plays tournaments occasionally. Rahul was well versed with Saru’s behaviour. He often advised Saru to keep his calm in critical situations, but often end up in vain. He knew that when anger takes over Saru, it always conquers.

"Let's go to the market. That's what we had decided today" said Rahul. Rahul tried his best to change the topic but Saru was adamant.

Pointing his index finger towards Ritika, Saru said “Neither I nor my words are to be laughed upon” and he started going towards the track. He could see a deep curve far away where he had to run on the tracks. He started measuring the distance.

"I am ready and will prove you wrong, Ritika" said Saru.

"Are you mad?" said Ritika. "Come back now. I take back my words and I will not laugh at you. Please come back".

Rahul tried to pull him but Saru pushed him and said “She laughed at me. I will prove her wrong.”

“Do not act like a fool. You don’t have to prove anything to any

one. Those are movies and this for real. We are not kids to do all this”

Another round of horn was heard from far and Saru started running on tracks. "Stop Saru" both shouted at the top of their voice in chorus.

Saru started running faster like Aamir Khan did in the movie. Third round of horn was heard from the train and this time the train was visible beyond the sharp curve.

Aamir Khan had run on a straight track that too with supervisors, stunt experts and medical experts. Saru under influence of ego had taken a wrong move just to prove himself superior.

Scene 2

The Dhananjay hospital was one of the best hospitals in the city. With 150 beds and 50 nurses at service all the time, patients are taken care of well here. Today there are special guests at the hospital who have to come to visit the general physician doctor. Dr. Sinha was busy with his patients when he saw 2 ladies approaching him. Natika and Loren worked as HR at the same company as Ritika, Saru and Rahul. Natika in her early 30s was always engrossed in her work. She managed her work life balance well and advised others also the same. Her gladiator shoes, pencil skirt and full sleeves blouse was her favourite outfit. She had a collection of them and mostly seen in those outfits. Loren was a simple girl with a simpler attitude towards work. She would talk and work as much as needed. Neither less nor more. Whenever she is required to raise her voice she will be the first one to do that, but she doesn't prefer to get into unwanted situations. Her wavy hair, brown eyes, sharp looks often made her the women one would admire.

As they approached Dr. Sinha, they were discussing about how youngsters nowadays attempt to imitate movie stunts and lose their lives. The doctor agreed and said, “I have treated many such cases. It is sad to see their family member get them to the hospital in unconscious state. They are often weeping and feeling helpless for their kid. Many of them have financial problems and find it hard to pay for the treatment. Most of them were bike stunts, jumping off the building terrace and some train stunts. We should arrange some kind of awareness in schools, colleges and organizations for the youngsters so that they understand the gravity of these issues and how they can be highly dangerous for their lives. It is really hard to see such unnecessary health issues people are facing because of these movies and stunts. Either such stunts should not be shown on television and in movies or there should be awareness about them.”

Scene 1

After running for a few seconds he got tired. He was panting but still running. He was not used to any type of physical exercise. Rahul and Ritika were shock struck. They shouted and told him to jump off the track. Because of the distance and his ego, he couldn't hear anything.

Train was now visible from the turn track. Saru’s leg got hit by a boulder and he fell on his stomach on the track. He was injured in his knee. He couldn't get up and was under shock.

There was a very long continuous loud horn from the train.

The train neared the deep curve. Saru had fallen 1000 meters away from there.

Rahul and Ritika started running towards Saru. But they knew they will not be able to reach on time.

Within seconds, train passed by. Rahul and Ritika started running towards the track to check on Saru.

Scene 2

Natika and Loren felt sad for the patients and their families. Most of the patients were either in their 20s or teenagers. They realized how influential movies have become. For about an hour they sat with their families and talked to them about the incidents. They were convinced that the youngsters indeed need counseling and awareness about such situations. They thought that showing them the reality of such movie scenes will be more effective than preaching about the goods and bads of these incidents. After all, it is these movie scenes that are influential. The behind the scenes will be a real eye-opener for them. But how do these behind the scenes be featured or shown to them, that was the real challenge?

After visiting the patients they headed towards the real work they had come for - mediclaim related activities. They were looking to discuss the mediclaim terms and usage rules with the doctor and hospital incharge.

Scene 1

He was still lying on the track on this stomach. The train had passed by the other track. The train had changed the track. They were relieved to see Saru alive. They helped him get up on his feet and then all three hugged each other tight. There was complete silence and then again a train horn came from back side. They hurried to get out of the railway track. They saw the train pass by and sat on the stone looking at each other. Their eyes were little moist, had fear, had emotions, love for each other. All of them said “Sorry” to each other.

This incident brought important learnings in their life. Saru understood that he needs to be more sensible in his instant decisions. His ego and quick actions will not lead him anywhere. Ritika understood that before pointing fingers or laughing at anyone we need to understand their situation too. She decided to talk and be more friendly to her parents. She treated them like normal people and not as parents. She understood that they could not fulfill her wishes because of financial problems. However her interest in the girly stuff still did not improve. But she tries to be friends with the girls in her team in her organization.

Rahul is still good at keeping secrets and fails to express his feelings as always. He hopes for some miracle so that Ritika automatically understands his affection towards her. Saru has got some clue about his feelings for Ritika. He has caught him red handed staring at Ritika and tried confronting him, but doesn't get through his thoughts. Ritika on the other hand did not have single clue about this. She considered Rahul as her best friend.

It has been 6 months since the incident happened. Ritika, Saru and Rahul have taken the initiative to spread awareness about how youngsters get overwhelmed with the movie stunts and do not realize the reality behind it. They even approached the HR to visit colleges and schools and spread the awareness. They suggested that more than office executives and associates, this problem is common across the school and college students. So it is logical to approach colleges and schools to host awareness campaigns for the students so that these incidents can be reduced.

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