The Monster
The Monster

An Egyptian man wanted his dead wife brought back to life. He was advised by a friend of a priest that can bring her back. So he goes out to ask this priest. The priest agrees with a check included for his services. The priest says a prayer above the wife's grave.
Chapter 2
The skeleton takes on the life and starts to dig her way up from the ground. Then the skeleton stands up and begins to dance around the Egyptian man.
The man was frightened from the looks of the skeleton, so the priest throws a cloth on the skeleton. But then the priest and t
he man saw that the cloth made it look like a monster as it danced like a robot on strings. The skeleton also seemed to be growing fast. So the priest decides to say another prayer, and then the monster starts to shrink back to it's normal size, and transforms into the Egyptian man's wife.
Chapter 3
The priest wraps another cloth around the wife and throws her toward the Egyptian man. When the cloth is unwrapped the only remains are Skeletons. And the priest made instructions to the gravediggers to bury the two sets of skeletons in one grave, and two names on the gravestone.