The Perfect Fairy
The Perfect Fairy

Susan has grown up in an orphanage. All the fairies in this place were girls. Susan was known to read stories to the young fairies. But one day Susan is given a challenge about marriage with a good man fairy. As to go out of the orphanage and explore outside and come back to report all about all that she has seen. With instructions to do good every day and be loving to everyone, as well as a little advice about the male fairies.
Susan meets Joe He was a handsome Liberian. It didn't take long for Joe to ask Susan for dinner. Joe is
charmed by Susan's beautiful smile and the love that he could feel coming from her and her goodness. So Susan knew what the male fairy, was up to, so she told Joe she was married. When Joe asked about her husband's name, Susan picked a book that was on a table and she picked a name from it. Joe threw an honest fit. As Susan noticed Joe's behavior, she starts to cry and she said out loud she wished she was a good fairy and could wave a wand and undo Joe's behavior. Susan returned with Joe to the orphanage and she asked the fairies to sing at her wedding.