The Dream
The Dream

''Am I really going'', asked Meghi to her father with excitement. Her father nodded and said, ''Yes, my dear!''. Meghi was overjoyed. While her mother was busy making a list of all the essential food items that Meghi would need on the trip, Meghi dusted the dusty, old bag which was placed on top of an almirah uncovered. At first, she put all her clothes, then packed the daily requirements in the two pockets of the bag and went to bed.
Out of the blue, she thought, ''Have I packed my toothbrush?'' In a jiffy, she went out of her bed, switched on the lights and checked the bag. After a thorough inspection, she found the toothbrush is very much present in the right pocket of the red coloured bag.
The only reason for which, Meghi's mind was filled with so many thoughts as because, it was an awaited wish of her to fill the empty photo frame kept on her table with a picture of the dreamy Darjeeling's toy train's picture. She had always wanted to experience a solo trip into the dreamy hills but her parents never allowed her to go unti
l she turned 22. Meghi had celebrated her 22nd birthday in the last June where she was granted permission for a solo trip.
Finally, the day arrived for her parents to bid bon-voyage to their daughter. The next day, she reached ''The Queen of the Hills'', Darjeeling and was mesmerized to see the lush hills romancing with the white clouds. It was a picturesque view! Now the car stopped. All other cars stopped too. There was a queue behind and infront. Before she could ask the driver anything, horning, the toy train approached and started passing just beside the car, She quickly took out her camera but it somehow stopped working. She kept on trying and never felt so helpless before. She could capture the moment in her camera but she was indeed successful in capturing that beautiful moment in the frame of her heart. She toured the whole of Darjeeling.
Indeed her dream of keeping an image of the toy train on her table could not materialize but the frame of her heart was filled with many beautiful memories from the trip.