Tharini Rajkumar

Children Stories Action


Tharini Rajkumar

Children Stories Action

The d – gang

The d – gang

2 mins

Once upon a time, in Chidambaram lived Sam and Sandy`s grandparents. Sam and Sandy visited their grandparents in the summer holidays. The last time when they came to stay, their grandma told stories every night. Their favorite story was THE D – GANG. Let us visit their memories and read the story.


In an enchanted world lived fluttering fairies, wild wizards, amazing angels, and more. All of them lived happily until one day the Queen found her favorite brooch missing! The D – Gang was called immediately. The time was 12 noon when they arrived. There were 10 members. Their names were

AlexanderDanielJohnLionelOliverAmyBellaEmmaLilySnowAlexander and Amy are the leaders of the gang.

They questioned everyone in the palace. Finally, they got a list of names.

Dresser DanMaid MayaCleaner CarlBaker BenMinister MikeWasher WazeKing Kevin                                     

They asked the Queen when did the incident happen. She replied 11 `o’clock. They questioned the people they had noted.

Dresser Dan said ` I went to the room to fold the clothes with Maid Maya at 11:30 am. The princ

e was with us when we when to the room. Detective Oliver and Detective Emma went and asked if he was with Dresser Dan and Maid Maya, the young prince replied `Yes I was there with them, my mother told me to be with them. So, the detectives removed Dresser Dan and Maid Maya`s names from the list.

Dresser DanMaid MayaCleaner CarlBaker BenMinister MikeWasher WazeKing Kevin

They found fingerprints near the missing brooch.

The fingerprints looked like this

They found the fingerprints of the rest of the people they had noted.

This was Cleaner Carl`s fingerprint.

This one was Baker Ben`s fingerprint

This fingerprint belongs to Minister Mike.

This fingerprint belongs to Washer Waze

This fingerprint belongs to King Kevin

The detectives found that it was either King Kevin or Cleaner Carl. Detective Snow got an idea.

She whispered the plan to the team. The team questioned the suspects. The question was=

The Queen had kept her brooch next to her green bottle. King Kevin said ` No, it was next to her pink bottle. The gang found the thief was King Kevin and sent him to the dungeons. The Queen gave 1,00,00,000 as a reward for finding the thief.

The End


Sam and Sandy loved the story and went to sleep.

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