The Cosmetic Firm
The Cosmetic Firm
There was a cosmetic firm which floated a competition encouraging people to write about and send in a picture of the most beautiful lady they knew.
One of the competition entries was brought to the notice of the CEO of the firm. It was by a boy of thirteen. The boy had written 'Delima is the most beautiful lady I have known. She lives just across the street. She waits for me every evening after my classes and bakes the most delicious cookies for me. She talks to me and motivates me when I am low. She
listens to me when I wish to be understood. She has the most beautiful smile and the face of an angel. I would like to be married to a lady like her when I grow up.'
Enclosed was a picture of an 80-year-old lady seated comfortably in a cane chair. Her wrinkles, toothless smile and eyes beaming with content marked her face. The CEO remarked that he could not use the picture. It would show the world that the firm's products are not necessary to make a person beautiful.