Letters on Philosophy: part 1
Letters on Philosophy: part 1

From: “Vashishtha, Charu”
Hello Papa,
This is my first email from my, ahem, “official” email id.
I am so happy to have landed my dream job in my dream company. I have a shining new desk and Desktop, a printer connected to my system and a desk phone.
For now, I am content. What happens in the future? I can’t say.
It’s nice to note that you are enjoying all the facilities, any professional may have wished for. This will disengage your mind to be engaged in a more fruitful time schedule. So it’s opportune time to give your efforts a direction strategically. You work with your fullest capability, but the output should alwa
ys be more than your efforts.
This strange mathematical inequality is possible by sheer utilization of your mind. The mind has the immense capability of doing seemingly impossible tasks with little physical efforts. In fact, the whole universe is a manifestation of one’s little mind. What I want to say, is this, the extent of the universe is restricted to one’s own utilization of mind. That is the size of the universe is different for each individual depending on the utilization of his mind. Do you understand me?
Don’t take my replies seriously. It’s just an exercise on my part, to induce immense capabilities, which you already do have.