Tushar Mandhan

Children Stories Inspirational


Tushar Mandhan

Children Stories Inspirational

Stage Fear

Stage Fear

1 min

I remember the first time I went on stage for an event when I was in class third. I was so afraid to look at the audience that I took my glasses off so that I couldn't see them. But teachers still loved it, so I was given another chance but that time, I messed up things. I was supposed to say, "If you are willing to learn no one can stop and if you are not willing, no one can teach you," but instead I got nervous and I said, "If you are willing to stop, no one can teach you and if you're not, no one can stop you." My teachers didn't make it an issue but I myself out of embarrassment withdrew from any event for years. I went to exile until my English teacher advised me to host the annual day. I agreed but again, on the first day of rehearsal, I messed up. That time, my teachers lost control but fortunately, they groomed me after a lecture. By the time annual function started, I had overcome stage fear. All I wanted was to keep looking at the audience and the audience to keep listening to me. But for that, I had to make mistakes through which I learnt the lesson.

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