“Yeah, we have to choose between our lives and theirs” “Yeah, we have to choose between our lives and theirs”
A new micro species has come named Corona-virus. A new micro species has come named Corona-virus.
They wanted to poach an alpine wallaby as they were almost extinct and in the black market could eas... They wanted to poach an alpine wallaby as they were almost extinct and in the bl...
My species went extinct eons ago. I think it was the time when the world was on a rave search for al... My species went extinct eons ago. I think it was the time when the world was on ...
Humans are now interplanetary species. WELCOME TO THE AGE OF CYBERNETIC SYMBIOSIS Humans are now interplanetary species. WELCOME TO THE AGE OF CYBERNETIC SYMBIOSI...
Yes, at that point we can learn from them. And they, from us. Yes, at that point we can learn from them. And they, from us.