Reenika Gholkar

Children Stories Fantasy Others


Reenika Gholkar

Children Stories Fantasy Others

Silvia Mitchell and the Kidnapped Princess

Silvia Mitchell and the Kidnapped Princess

21 mins

Everything was going normal in my life, until I came to know whose daughter I am.........

1. I meet a monster who is afraid of peanut butter.

Hi! I am Silvia Mitchell. I am 11 years old. My mom is Bellona Mitchell (named after a roman goddess). She married my dad, but he went missing... somewhere we don't know. So now we have to live with my stupid stepdad, Crabe Johnson. The first 1 hour after their marriage, he seemed nice and kind, but after that he showed his true colours. He always orders pizza and all kind of stuff. I told my mom to leave him, but she doesn't agree.

I woke up at 9:00 am. It was Sunday morning, lazy as always. 'Hey mom!' I said. 'Good Morning dear. Your friend Mia called you to park today. Eat your breakfast and you can go.' I nodded and reluctantly sat on the table across my stepdad. Mia Briggs was my best friend from the start of the year. My mom served me a hot pancake. I licked my lips and started eating. My stepdad was chatting on his mobile as usual. I glared at him. 'What?' he demanded in his gruff voice. I just sighed. I washed my dish and headed towards my room. 'Bellona, take this dish!' my stepfather said. Now i couldn't stand it. 'Why don't you wash your dishes on your own, you psychopath!' I said, but i wished i hadn't said the word 'psychopath'. He glared at me. He ran towards me..... but i was faster. I ran in my room and locked the door. I was mad at my real father. Why did he leave me and mom with this psycho guy? I realized I had locked myself in mom's room. I rummaged through her cupboard, and found what I expected. A photograph. There was a man holding hands with my mom. His eyes were stormy grey and blue like me. He was pretty handsome. He wore an old armour kind of shirt and I suspected he had coloured his hair black. He had a medium sized beard. Below the picture it was written: Bellona loves Jupiter. Jupiter...... rare name. I knew Jupiter was a planet, but he was also a roman god. I don't believe in gods though. Very rare name..... Jupiter. I ran my fingers through my dad's face, with tears in my eyes. 'Don't worry, dear. I'm always there with you.' A deep voice said. Thunder boomed. I don't know how thunder can boom on a sunny day, so I assumed it was my imagination.

I got ready and joined Mia in the park. I wondered why she always carried a jar of peanut butter. We sat on the bench and ate chips. But Mia looked worried. She was looking at a strange man. The man had green eyes, but whenever I looked at him, the eyes seemed to be red. He wore strange clothes. 'Don't worry.' I said. Mia nodded awkwardly. 'Mia! Gimme some soda!' Someone shouted. It was Mia's stepsister. 'I'll be back.' she said. As soon as Mia was out of sight, the man got up. I gulped. He seemed bigger in size.... and now, he was very big. I looked at his feet---- The feet were backwards! I pinched myself. It was real. The feet were backwards like a ghost. 'Aaaaaaaah!' I screamed. Mia ran towards me. She opened her jar of peanut butter and threw it on his feet. 'Nooooooo!' He screamed and vanished. 'Are you okay?' Mia asked me. But my eyesight was blurry. The next thing I knew was that i was unconscious.

2. I am a Half god

I woke up. I was laying on a hill, and the grass was soft. 'You okay?' Mia asked. 'Yeah' I said. 'Where are we? And was that monster real?' Mia hesitated. ''Silvia, you are a Jumatate Sange.' She said. 'What Jumat... what?' I asked. 'It means half human and half god.' Mia said. I chuckled. 'Nice joke.' 'It's not a joke! We are at a very special place. Welcome to tabara tunet!' Mia said. 'What? which language is this?' I asked. 'Romanian.' Mia said. 'Tabara Tunet means Camp Thunder. Lord Jupiter made this camp for half gods. He loves thunder, so the camp is named as thunder.' 'You mean.... gods are real?' I asked, amazed. She nodded. 'It's real.' I stood up. Around me, there were rooms named after every Roman god you could imagine. In the middle, there were the biggest rooms of Lord Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune. Jupiter was the god of sky and thunder. He was the main god and ruled the world with the dii consentes, which were 12 gods in his court. Pluto was the god of death. He ruled Underworld, the place where spirits of dead people went. Neptune was the god of sea and earthquakes. Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were brothers. 'Come on. Let's see who's daughter you are.' Mia said. I followed her to the camp fire where the other campers were there. 'Welcome, Silvia.' A beautiful woman said, who i realized was the head of the camp. 'My name is Ceres.' I gasped. 'You mean you are Ceres, the goddess of agriculture and grain?' I asked. 'Yes.' she said, feeling proud. she was dressed normally like a human: Jeans and T shirt. 'Come here.' she said. I went towards her. 'Stand in this circle.' I noticed a circle drawn on the ground. I stood in it. Thunder boomed. From the sky, a piece of paper fell down. I unfolded it. 'It's written: Jupiter.' I said. Everyone gasped and knelt towards me. Ceres too, was stunned. 'You are the daughter of Lord Jupiter!' she said. I stepped out of the circle. The crowd started going towards their rooms. 'Come.' Mia said. I followed her. 'Mia, who's daughter are you?' I asked. 'I am the daughter of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty.' she said. 'Mia, why was that monster scared of peanut butter?' I asked. 'That monster was a Abarimon or antipode. Those are the people whose feet are turned backwards, but in spite of this handicap, they run very fast. I don't know why, but if we drop peanut butter on them, they are scared.' Mia explained. We reached towards the biggest room.

It was painted with clouds and thunder. 'Bye!' Mia said. I went in the room. I was the only daughter of Jupiter in the camp, so I had to live alone. Just as I was keeping my things in the room, I remebered I hadn't informed mom about this. I rushed outside. No one was there. I thought of knocking on the nearest door... The Neptune room. I knocked the door. A boy opened the door. He had sea green eyes and black hair. 'Um.... Sorry to disturb, but do you know how to contact people?' I asked. 'You are the daughter of Jupiter, right? You are cool.' He said. 'Thanks.' I said. 'Come in.' He said. The Neptune room was full of decorations from the sea. He handed me a diary. 'Write the name of who you want to contact on this diary.' The boy said. 'Thanks. What's your name?' I asked. 'I am Adrian. Adrian Sandoval.' Adrian said. 'Nice meeting you. Bye!' I said. 'Umm........ Can we be friends?' Adrian asked. 'Ofcourse!' I said. 'Now I have to contact my mother. Bye!' 'Bye!' Adrian said. I walked back to my room.

3. Another Monster attack

I wrote 'Bellona Mitchell' in the diary. It shimmered and my mom's face appeared on it. 'Mom!' I exclaimed. 'Silvia!' she said. "Where are you?' I told her about the monster. 'Am I really the daughter of Jupiter?' I asked. 'Yes.' Mom said. 'A few years ago, Lord Jupiter visited the Earth. He fell in love with me.' 'Why did he leave us then?' I demanded. She hesitated. 'According to the gods, you shouldn't be born.' she said. 'Few years ago, the big three, meaning Jupiter, Pluto and Neptune, decided not to have babies with humans as they can be deceiving. They have a lot of knowledge and power.' 'So selfish!' I said. 'Not selfish dear, Jupiter loves you.' I sighed. 'Ok, you sleep now.' Mom said. 'Bye!' I erased her name. I opened the door and found Mia sitting outside. 'Hey!' 'Hi!' she said. 'I wanted you to tell the myths and stories of Rome.' 'Yes!' I said. I sat down with her. 'Lord Saturn's father, Caelus, told him he would be overthrown by one of his children.' Mia began. 'When Saturn and his wife, Ops, decided to have children, Saturn knew he would be overthrown and wasn't going to let it happen.

So to prevent it he swallowed each of his children whole as they were born. His first five children were: Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Pluto and Neptune. When his sixth child was born Ops had him spirited away to the island of Crete. She then wrapped a rock in swaddling clothes. She knew her plan was complete when her husband Saturn swallowed it whole thinking it was the child. The sixth child's name was Jupiter. When he became older he knew he it was his destiny to overthrow his father. He took the job of being a cup-bearer for Saturn. With help he fed a potion to Saturn. This caused him to vomit up his five immortal siblings who were still alive. Saturn was furious.' Mia stopped. 'Then?' I asked. 'All of this caused a battle between Saturn, Titans, Jupiter, his brothers, sisters, and the fifty headed monster. Saturn and the Titans fought against Jupiter, Vesta, Ceres, Juno, Pluto, Neptune and the fifty headed monsters. With help Jupiter defeated his father. Saturn, along with the Titans was thrown in the deepest part of the underworld. Tartarus. Jupiter's siblings made him the supreme god.' Mia said. 'Wow.' I said. 'Interesting.' Mia yawned. 'Now let's sleep, shall we?' I nodded and went to sleep. Just as I slept, my nightmare began.

I was standing in a big black pit. 'Join us, and you will be rich.' A deep evil voice said. 'I am Saturn.' But the nightmare ended there only, I don't know why. Someone was knocking on my door. I stared at my watch. It was midnight. I opened the door. Adrian was standing there, covered in sweat. 'A Cacus!' he said. 'What is Cacus?' I said. 'It is a fire breathing monster.' Adrian replied. He handed me a sword. I ran towards crowd of campers gathering around the Cacus. Luna, the daughter of Lord Vulcan (The god of fire and blacksmiths) was trying to calm the monster. She was wearing fireproof clothes. Then it hit me. Cacus was said to be Vulcan's son, means he was Luna's half brother. The other children of Vulcan tried to calm him, but he moved forward. He came towards me. I raised my sword and pierced it in Cacus's toe. No matter how much i stabbed, nothing happened.

He picked me up. I screamed. The campers panicked. I stabbed the Cacus's eyes. He howled and dropped me down. I thought I was going to die, coz he dropped me from such a height. But a force stopped me from falling. Ceres had come to the rescue, thank the gods. Seeing Ceres, the monster ran away. I was a bit dazed. 'Thanks.' I muttered. 'It was a good try!' Ceres said, smiling. 'Now!' Ceres said, turning to the campers. Everyone was silent. 'Come with me!' We all made a line------ popularity wise, so I was first and Adrian was behind me. We followed Ceres to the entrance. She joined her hands and muttered something. Two Roman statues came from the ground. An invisible border formed. 'No monster and uman can pass through this.' Ceres said. 'What is uman?' I asked Adrian. 'Uman is human.' he whispered. 'Only half gods like us can pass.' Ceres said. Then we heard a rustle of leaves.... like someone was walking towards us.....

4. Is the boy a Titan?

A boy came walking towards us. He had golden hair and blue eyes. There was a strange twinkle in his eyes. I could sense something evil. But, to our amazement, he passed through the border! 'Campers!' Ceres said. 'You can go and sleep!' Everyone went away sleepily, as it was past midnight. I headed towards my room, but something was strange about this boy. When Adrian was gone, I walked silently towards the circle. I ducked in Ceres's table and chair. The boy stood in the circle. A chit fell from the sky. 'T.......' the boy was reading, but he stopped. 'Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, medicine, commerce, handicrafts, poetry, the arts and war.' the boy said. Ceres clapped and led him towards the Minerva room. I came out of my hiding place. The boy had dropped the chit on the ground, thank the gods. I picked up the chit. I gasped. My heart hammered. It was written, Crius. I was sure I had heard this name before. But where? But this proved that the boy wasn't Minerva's son. I put the chit in my pocket and rushed towards Adrian's cabin to tell him. On the way, I banged in Ceres. 'Whoa. Slow down, my dear niece.' she said. I blinked. Niece? 'I am one of Jupiter's five siblings, don't you remember?' Ceres said. I nodded. 'You can call me Aunt Ceres.' she said. 'I know..... something is wrong..... you are angry with Jupiter right?' Ceres asked. 'Yes.' I said. 'He left me alone. For his selfishnes

s. I can never accept him as my father.' Ceres sighed. 'Well, I have a gift for you.' Ceres said. She handed me a medium sized box. 'Thanks.' I muttered and rushed towards the Neptune room. I was going to knock, but I stopped. It was almost 1 am. Adrian must be sleeping. I went to my room. I opened the box.

There was a small pocket sized book in it. It had only 12 pages. When I took it in my hand, it turned in a normal sized book. The title was: The twelve titans. While reading, I found the name Crius. Crius was a Titan! Means the boy can cause harm! I scribbled 'Adrian' in the diary. He wasn't sleeping. He was examining something. He looked up. 'Hey Silvia!' he said. 'Come to my room. NOW!' I said and erased the name of Adrian. Adrian came in. I told him about the new boy. 'Oh no!' he said. 'You know, Ceres gave me a gift today.' 'She gave me too!' I said. I picked up the box and noticed there was one more thing in that. I picked it up. There was a bangle with a red diamond. And there was a ring too. 'I know this.' Adrian said. He pushed the diamond and the ring turned in a sword! He did the same for the bangle- and it turned in a shield! 'Well..... what did you get?' I asked. He pulled out a small computer and a honeybee. It was motorized. 'We can spy with the help of this.' Adrian said. 'Perfect! Let's spy on that boy.' I said. He let the bee out and controled it with the computer. Soon, it reached to the boy's room. We could see him in the computer. The boy was talking to a statue.... 'It's Saturn's statue!' I said. 'Ceres must have known something was wrong. That's why she gave us gifts.' I said. Adrian nodded. 'Now. Kill that Neptune's girl. You let the Cacus in right?' the statue said. 'Yes my lord. But that girl is very brave.' the boy said.

To our amazement, the boy turned in his original form- he was not small. He was a big man. Very evil. 'Ok boss. What is the next plan?' the boy said. 'Swat that honeybee!' the statue shouted. Adrian controlled the bee and brought it back. 'So..... I think we should tell Ceres.' Adrian said. I nodded, We got out of our room and headed towards Ceres's room. 'Where are you going?' I cold voice said. We turned behind and froze. The boy was standing there. 'Ah.... Um... Nothing. We are walking.' I stammered. The boy snapped his fingers. And I started forgetting things. I forgot the whole thing about telling Ceres that the boy was a Titan. Infact, I and Adrian forgot the whole thing that the boy was a Titan. 'Yeah. What are we doing here? We should go back.' Adrian said. I nodded and went back to my room.

5. Proserpina is kidnapped

I woke up that morning. I wore the bangle and ring which Ceres had given me and headed to sword fighting class. I defeated the Minerva students easily. I became the boy's friend. His name was Pedro Hansen. After sword fighting, Pedro invited me to stroll in the forest. I agreed. As we were talking and resting, Pedro snapped his fingers again. I remembered he was a Titan. I wanted to run away, but i couldn't move at all. I gulped. Pedro lifted his sword and kept it near my neck. 'Die, die!' he said. 'If you want to fight, let me move you coward!' I said. 'No. Saturn told me to kill you like this.' Pedro said. 'But Saturn is dead!' I said. 'He is immortal, you fool! he is in the tartarus!' he said. He raised his sword. I couldn't move. I prayed the gods for help. The sword was an inch away from my neck, when something attacked Pedro and the sword fell down. It was water. Adrian was standing there, in the lake near us. He was the son of Neptune, so he could control water. Thank the gods. Pedro snapped his fingers and vanished. I stood up dazed. 'Thanks.' I said. 'It's ok. No thanks.' Adrian said smiling. We rushed towards Ceres's cabin. We were surprised to see her crying. 'Aunt!' I called out. She wiped her tears quickly. 'Come in.' She said. We told her about Pedro. 'You both are brave.' she said. 'Aunt.' Adrian said. 'Why were you crying?' Ceres's face darkened. 'My daughter, Proserpina (goddess of fertility, wine and agriculture) is kidnapped.' I stared at her. 'How can anyone do that?' I asked. 'They can. Jupiter, Pluto and Venus.' Ceres said. 'But why?' Adrian asked. 'Proserpina is their niece!' Ceres sighed. 'Pluto complained to Jupiter that he had no wife.

Jupiter promised him Proserpina. But Proserpina disagreed to marry Pluto. So........' Cere's eyes filled with tears. I became angrier on my dad. How can he, the supreme god, kidnap people like that? 'We will find her.' I said bravely. 'I, Mia and Adrian.' Adrian nodded. 'It's too dangerous my dears.' Ceres said. 'No. You are our aunt, so Proserpina is our cousin. It's our duty to save her.' Adrian said. I nodded in agreement. 'No.' Ceres said. 'Go back to your rooms. NOW!' we reluctantly headed back. I called Mia and we sat together in the Neptune cabin. 'We can sneak out tonight.' I said. 'Impossible. Ceres is doing guard duty tonight.' Mia said. We stared at each other in dismay. 'I got it!' Adrian said. He went to his water tub and pulled out three lockets. 'The lockets of invisibility.' he said. 'We can sneak out tonight.' 'But.... we don't know how to go to underworld.' I said. 'Ceres had given you a book. There might be information in that.' Mia said.

I nodded and rushed in my cabin. I bought the book. 'The entrance to Underworld is in the Pluto cabin.' I read out. 'But the cabin is locked!' I wailed. 'The keys are in Ceres's cabin. We can sneak.' Mia said. I nodded. It was 9:00 pm. We ate lunch and got ready to complete our mission...... 'Wait.' Mia said. 'You didn't tell me who kidnapped her.' 'Jupiter, Pluto and... and Venus.' I said. 'What?' Mia said in disbelief. 'Mom also did that?' I remembered Mia was Venus's daughter. 'Come on. We have to go.' Adrian urged. We nodded and put on our lockets. We went in Ceres's cabin. She was still sitting there, looking at the photo. It was Proserpina's. 'She's beautiful!' Mia muttered. 'Who is there?' Ceres said, looking alarmed. I clamped my hand on Mia's mouth. Soon, Ceres calmed down. We crept and got to the key holder. Adrian lifted the key slowly. We quickly ran outside. 'That was close!' I gasped. We unlocked the Pluto cabin. It was dark and dusty as no-one lived there. On the wall it was written, 'for the brave ones.' I pushed the brick. An entrance opened in front of us......

6. We reach Underworld.

It was very dark, gloomy and depressing. After what felt like a zillion hours of walking, we reached a room. A beautiful lady was sitting there, tied in iron chains. She wore a pure white dress, and wore a tiara of flowers. Proserpina. I looked around. No one was there. I ran towards her. 'Not so fast my little niece.' A voice said. I almost hadn't seen Pluto sitting on the throne. He wore black clothes. He had skulls all over the throne. 'To rescue Proserpina, you have to follow two conditions.' 'What conditions?' Mia demanded. 'You!.' Pluto said, pointing his crooked finger at me. 'Sword fight with me.' Adrian ran towards me. 'No. He is too strong!' He said. I ignored him. 'I accept!' I said. I pushed the button on my ring and bangle. Pluto stepped forward. He attacked me, but I defended with a shield. It felt like a lot of pressure. Then he pushed me with the sword-------- I rolled away just in time. I had to do something. I looked around quickly. I found a patch of sticky mud on the wall. I led Pluto there. When he attacked me, I bent down and his sword got stuck. I slashed on his foot....... silver blood came out of it. I kept my sword on his neck. 'I win.' I said. 'Well, I have another condition.' He said and sneered at me. 'One of you have to stay here..... forever.' We huddled together and discussed in low voices. 'I will stay.' Mia said. 'No. It was my idea. I found out the boy was a Titan. I made a plan to sneak out. I shall stay.' I said. 'No!' Mia and Adrian shouted at the same time. 'I will stay.' Adrian said. 'You go to Olympus( The house of gods) and ask my father for help.' After a lot of protesting, we agreed that Adrian will stay. Pluto just laughed.

My sword could cut the hardest substance, so I ran and cut the chains. Proserpina just smiled. She looked a bit dazed. 'Take this.' she said. Her voice was as sweet as nectar. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She handed me two flowers. I gave one to Mia. 'Squeeze these flowers till they glow.' Proserpina said. We squeezed the flowers-------- and we were gone with a flash of light. Instead of the dark and gloomy throne room, I was standing in a big room with 12 thrones. 'Dii consentes.' I thought, which means the 12 major gods. But, the main big throne of Jupiter was empty. To the right side of his throne sat a beautiful woman with brown hair and eyes..... same like me. She wore a sky blue dress, which seemed like it was woven out of clouds. She wore a golden Tiara which sparkled in the sunshine. She was Juno, Jupiter's wife. Next to her sat a clever looking woman. She wore a green dress. She was Minerva. Next to her sat a beautiful woman. She wore a red dress and heart shaped earrings. She was Venus, goddess of love and beauty. Next to her sat her husband Mars, the god of war.

The other people sitting in the court were - Mercury (Messenger of the gods), Diana ( Wild animals), Apollo ( light, music and healing), Vulcan ( fire and blacksmiths), Vesta (hearth, home and domestic life) and Neptune. One seat was empty...... Ceres had not come. I wanted to ask where is Jupiter, but..... I was scared. It felt kind of awkward. 'Welcome.' said a voice as sweet as honey. Juno was speaking. 'You are very brave, my dears.' I shook my head nervously. 'Adrian...... is the Underworld.' I stammered, looking at Neptune nervously. 'He asked for your help.' Neptune twirled his finger.... I thought he was going to punish us or something, but his expression was calm. With a sprinkle of water.. Adrian was back. He ran towards us. I gave him a friendship hug..... which made him embarrass so much, his cheeks turned pink. I looked at Mia..... she was continuously glaring at her mother, Venus. And Venus looked uncomfortable now. 'You might be wondering where is Jupiter.' Juno said. 'He has gone in the sky for an important work. And, he wants to talk to you.' she said, looking at me. 'Where can I meet him?' I asked. Before Juno could reply, there was a twirl of skulls and bones around us......

7.Pluto is back.

'You fooled me!' Pluto said. 'You took that boy!' He said, pointing at Adrian. I pushed the button on my ring and bangle and stepped forward. Pluto attacked...... I defended with my shield, but he was tooo strong. I flew five meters back... And my head banged on the handle of Jupiter's throne. I sat up. I knew I couldn't be unconscious now. It took my full will power to get up. 'Not hurt, eh?' Pluto said. 'Stop it!' Someone said behind me. Jupiter was back, sitting on his throne. I looked at him.... he had a white beard, eyes same like me and a very stern expression. Pluto vanished. I think he was afraid. I turned towards Jupiter. 'You kidnap people?' I asked, my voice full of emotion. I never wanted a dad like him. 'It's false.' Jupiter said. Venus stood up. 'Your dad has not done anything. I and Pluto did it.' Venus said. 'Few days ago, the people worshipped Proserpina more than me. Pluto came to me and filled anger in my mind. I spread the rumor about Jupiter.' Mia glared at her furiously. 'Don't look at me like that, daughter.' Venus said, and she sat down. 'S....sorry.' I said. 'But daughter, you did a good job.' Jupiter said. 'Now, you all should go home.' He snapped his fingers..... And I was back in the locked room. For a second I thought it was a dream.... But I looked at the ring and bangle..... And I knew it wasn't a dream. I came out. 'What were you doing?' Crabe asked. 'You were in there for ages!' I looked at my mother...... she smiled and winked at me. I went downstairs to meet Mia. 'When will we go to the camp?' I asked. 'Next year.' Mia said. 'After Christmas.' I nodded. 'You are lucky to have such a kind father.' she said, looking a bit sad. Suddenly, the ruby on my ring started to glow furiously. Mia stared at it. 'Olympus will be in danger.' she said. 'We have to go to camp. Tomorrow, when Christmas starts.'

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