Mrinmayi Deshpande

Children Stories Drama Others


Mrinmayi Deshpande

Children Stories Drama Others

Pros And Cons Of Being In 8th

Pros And Cons Of Being In 8th

2 mins

Hopefully this is just a small chapter of a great book written by yours truly, but if it isn’t then it is just a small story of the life of a teenagers

Firstly when you go in 8th grade, you have the mentality that OK next year is 9th then I will study really hard get above 90 percent and make my life awesome, but none of this happens, actually the exact opposite happens.

Your parents realize that you aren't actually the Albert Einstien which they thought you were, finally, and that is why you get put into the worst possible thing which could happen tuitions. Now in many books or movies, you must know that this one hour you don’t actually study, but you gossip with your friends and many more things which are not true. But rather I like to call ‘tuition the time which ruins my sleep time’, I know its really long, I will shorten it later. Why would I want to waste my time in science tuition, when in the future I am not even going to be close to this subject.

As I grow up and become the prime minister, I will ban all tuitions and grant more study time, so that children don't experience which I have, however at that time it won't be necessary as by that time time machines would have been invented. Now later moving on to the excitement of 8th grade which is the biology period, where we will learn about reproduction and adolescence. So people used to laugh on the topic, while legends like us used to laugh on the teacher. We had a teacher, I would rather not name her, whose pronunciations used to be so weird, that biology period was the most awaited period for our class.

Now that I am reaching to the end of 8th I am starting to feel that I don’t want to go in 9th, as being in 8th grade is the best time which you will ever have.

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