anuradha nazeer



anuradha nazeer




2 mins

Dr. Edward Bach was a physician thinking ahead of his time. He was born in Moseley, outside of Birmingham.

Two key factors came together in his lifetime; his love for nature and the world, and his compassion for his clients. He trained in conventional medicine and through his practice at Harley Street became highly respected for his findings and treatments. His search was driven by trying to find less invasive methods to treat his patients and still cure them of their ailments. His particular interest was in observing people’s personalities and their attitudes in life, as he noticed that this had a major effect on their state of health.

He sought not to concentrate on methods to eradicate diseases but rather focused on observing his patients’ character and emotions carefully, as this would indicate to him why they may be suffering a particular disease or finding it difficult to recover. This new way of treating clients meant that he was no longer curing symptoms but was instead looking at the person as a holistic being with their own character and mental state of well-being.

During 1917, Dr. Bach was not in strong health himself and was diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease. However, he was determined to complete his life’s m

ission to prove that when we follow our own true vocation we gain spiritual and physical health. He completely recovered from his illness.

An important insight came to him whilst he was at a dinner party. Instead of mingling in with the guests, he chose to observe them. He realized that the different types of characters react in different ways and transferring this perception to the medical field meant to him that people respond to certain diseases in their own way. Indeed each type of person would react to an illness in their particular way and so the most effective healing would be possible if done according to the person’s type.

In 1930 he closed his Harley Street practice and moved first to Wales, then Cromer in Norfolk, and then settled at Mount Vernon in Oxfordshire, where over the next six years he discovered the 38 flower remedies.

His book “Heal Thyself” carried the message that physical disease was the result of being at odds with our spiritual purpose.

He writes, “Disease is, in essence, the result of conflict between Soul and Mind,… “

He knew that the 38 remedies he had found were complete, as they covered not only the emotions and behaviors he had identified but also the cure for the condition.

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