Fathy Light

Inspirational Others


Fathy Light

Inspirational Others

Perspectives: Life in Covid-19

Perspectives: Life in Covid-19

2 mins

The thing about this pandemic is that it gives you perspective about how life is just too short to take as a luxury. How it is just so transient to take as granted. How you are truly, really only a small traveller in the abysmal paths of life... That this life is not the destination. That there is something bigger, majestic, than the minute specks of lives passing on with the ticks of the clock. That nothing can stop it until, unless The Bigger Power decides. As you watch, with fear and sadness creeping inside, you are just very helpless and in the loneliness... in the true vacuum, you will learn that perspective that had been out of your reach in the Crowded chaos of everyday life. It will be your epiphany. You will realize how everything else fades out, and only what truly matters, now.

How things you cared in the process of living stopped being important when Death is closer now, almost in the reaching distance, at the fingertips of everyone. Hold on. We will come out of it, of course, someday soon, and let us come out having learnt our lessons. Epiphany just

for the fleeting second is not something this world needs now. So hold on, let us come out on the other side and maybe we would have learnt bigger, important things. Things that are not shallow and materialistic. Maybe we would have become generous and kind and broad-minded as a society. Maybe we would stop being judgmental and have become a society that is truthful and honest and loyal and giving and generally loving.

Maybe we would have become more open, more compassionate, Maybe we would have become more comfortable in our own skin, learnt not to be afraid of judgemental people and their contempt, to be only true to your own ideals and to the rules of God. Maybe we would have become someone whose truths are not just from the lips, whose prayers are not just for selfish reasons, whose voice is as honest in the inside as it is in the outside... or... Maybe. Or maybe we would just go back to however we were before, long forgotten the times of death. And the threat. Let us see if this Death cleanses us or keep us impure as previous Deaths had. Let us see..

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