Sakshi Agarwal

Drama Romance Fantasy


Sakshi Agarwal

Drama Romance Fantasy

Perceptions of Reality

Perceptions of Reality

4 mins

Picture 15: Don't want no other shade of blue, But you, No other sadness in the world would do. - Hoax, Taylor Swift

It was a cold winter morning in Delhi. The kind that Sara Patel hated, especially if it were a Monday. There is something about Mondays. She couldn’t exactly point out what. Or maybe there were too many things she could point out. It was the beginning of getting back to reality...

When she was just a girl she expected the world, but it flew away from her reach

She hated the people she had to meet, the fake laughter, the conversations she had to engage in just to fit with society. The traffic that seemed to be never ending on a Monday and the horns louder and always unnecessary…

She ran away in her sleep and dreamed of Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise

Sarah was already beginning to feel grumpy, and to top it all she had back to back presentations today. “What a coincidence that everything bad happens to fall on a Monday.” thought Sara

Every time she closed her eyes

Sara finally put the alarm on snooze and thought about the only thing that could make her happy right away. She turned to her left and kissed her teenage love turned husband. It seemed like just yesterday when she had met him in the college cafeteria and felt that spark. It’s been 6 years and she can still feel that spark every time she is with him.

Para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise, para-para-paradise

“How many alarms do you set, Arjun?” Sarah sighed

Arjun let out a laugh which stopped midway when he saw the time. “Now I have a question for you Mrs. Patel, how do we always end up late for work?”

If Sarah had her way, she would have stayed in with Arjun forever, going out for only a movie or two and maybe some dinner dates. But no work, definitely no work.

“Arjun, let’s go out for dinner tonight? Your favorite restaurant?”

“Since you let me choose the restaurant, Sarah, you get to choose my clothes for today” laughed Arjun as he ran towards to the shower.


Arjun let out a sigh when he saw the navy blue shirt and black trousers laid on the bed. “You have all the choices in the world, and you still end up choosing blue every time. Why Sarah, Why?”

“You know it’s our color” Sarah said with a frown. “Now quickly get ready and decide on the restaurant. I will directly see you there at 8. Goodbye honey.” As Sarah was leaving the room she quickly took a piece of paper a

nd a pen and wrote:

“All the shades of blue, only meant for me and you”

She kept it near his tiffin and smiled at herself. She was in love with Arjun and she couldn’t help it. Rather, she didn’t want to help it.


Sarah worked for a Dreamit, a big consulting firm. She was earning a 7 figure salary, had a beautiful office location, and everything else that one would look for. Yet, she wasn’t happy. Somehow, she did not connect with the people, be it her friends, or other colleagues. She felt uneasy with them, angry at their version of reality and they, on the other hand, always looked at her with a kind of sympathy that made her want to hide out in her cubicle.

But today, she wasn’t going to let anything bother her. “I have a date with the love of her life.” So, she forced a smile and started working with her earphones on.

In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes

In the night the stormy night away she'd fly




Sarah was wearing a sky blue off shoulder top. Arjun had gifted it to her last month and this was the first time she was wearing it. She felt like a school girl approaching Arjun at The Taj hotel. “Arjun always selects the fanciest of locations,” she thought.

“Mrs Patel, you are late again”

“Hello Arjun. I love you. How was your day?” laughed Sara. “A good husband would have started the conversation with these questions. Pch”

Arjun laughed and got up to give her a hug. “You look beautiful in blue, in fact too good to be true.” He whispered in her ear.

“Hmm, looks like you got my note.” blushed Sara

“Yes I did, and please let’s order now, I’m hungry.”

“1 plate Veg nachos, 1 large Margherita Pizza, and a bottle of red wine” said Sara. “Anything else for you Arjun?”

“No, Mrs. Patel. You have already ordered all my favorites”

“Okay, then this is it um, Raj is it?” Sara asked the waiter

“Yes ma’am” Raj answered hesitantly. “Ma’am, may I know who are you talking to?”

Raj had a look on his face Sara was familiar with. She wanted him to go away. She quickly hushed it up saying, “It’s my husband. We are on a date, now if you don’t mind -”

“But ma’am there is no one sitting in front of you…” Said Raj before he got drowned by the music in the restaurant.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy

The wheel breaks the butterfly every tear a waterfall

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