



Nature’s Fury

Nature’s Fury

2 mins

Greenhouse gases thrust into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels are warming. Earth’s surface more quickly than previously thought, according to new climate change studies. By 2100, average temperature could rise by 6.5 to 7 degrees Celsius if carbon emissions continue unabated. In cities and forests across the globe, our programmers are proving that we can confront the debilitating effects of climate change in a way that makes sense for governments, business and economics.

We should build more energy-efficient cities, promote clean energy and reverse deforestation by tens of thousands of tonnes per year. Due to human activities, greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere like a blanket, trapping heatwaves radiating off the Earth. While calamities such as earthquakes and storms seem to be deadlier, climate change is the underlying cause for these calamities.

Small steps on our parts can go a long way to curb the ill-effects of climate change. Banning single use plastic is one of them. Even though plastic items account for the modern conveniences, they are invariably responsible for causing pollution and clogging our waterbeds. Micro-plastics are killing our marine species and entering our bodies as well. 

These pollutants, although more pronounced in bigger- cities and industrial belts, affect each one of us, ultimately causing great damage to our health and surroundings. Governments across the world should work on war footings to stop the assault on the nature. One also hopes that the world’s environment protection agreement leads to restore the balance between humans and nature.

It is high time we learn our lessons from the recent natural disasters bringing human lives to a standstill. We are the last generation that can do something to fight climate change. So, let us do it now. Else, we could be the first to perish as well.

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