Once upon a time, a girl named Brucli was born in the village Pataudi. Once upon a time, a girl named Brucli was born in the village Pataudi.
I wrote his name just exactly near the coastline where land and sea meets. I wrote his name just exactly near the coastline where land and sea meets.
I heard her voice calling my name, banging on the door again and again... I heard her voice calling my name, banging on the door again and again...
We entered the classroom and sat on the first bench. We entered the classroom and sat on the first bench.
When others never call you by your first name, what's the point in naming babies when they are born? When others never call you by your first name, what's the point in naming babies...
Meanwhile, I have forgotten to say the book name to him. It is titled, Hyderabadi Roomies. Meanwhile, I have forgotten to say the book name to him. It is titled, Hyderabad...