Palak Jain

Children Stories Romance Inspirational


Palak Jain

Children Stories Romance Inspirational

My Pain Is Not Rare

My Pain Is Not Rare

2 mins

That day when I saw him for the first time, my heart skipped a beat. I had a sudden strong feeling that he the one, my heart sank. We started spending most of our time with each other, we grew closer.

It was raining heavily, we ran to the nearby church. That moment, I couldn't stop myself. I kneeled down, plucked the red rose that was on my hair, and offered the rose to him. His eyes glistened with tears. We constantly kept on looking into each other's eyes.It felt as if the time had stopped.

He turned his back towards me. I stood up and rest my hand on his shoulder. He turned his back towards me. I stood up and rest my hand on his shoulder. He turned and took my hands in his. He said that he couldn't accept his proposal and we couldn't be together. I was shocked, all the days we had spent together flashbacked in front of my eyes.

I had so many questions but I couldn't ask, I ran towards my home.

There was a knock on my door. It was Vivek's family,

A week had passed since the last time Vivek and I met. I invited them inside.

Vivek's mother started crying all of a sudden his father told, "Vivek is no more and he has left a letter for you."

"Dear Love,

I am sorry to leave you like this but I did not have any option. I have been suffering from cancer for the past 1 year. My life was really short and so I had to refuse your proposal. Since the day I met you I had fallen for you but I could not be selfish.

I wish you get the love you desire. I will always send love from wherever I am."

Your beloved


After reading this letter I could not stop my tears. I was regretting that I could not spend the last days of Vivek's life with him. I had realized that my pain is not rare. There have been countless love stories that have remained incomplete.

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