Mum And Dad
Mum And Dad
Mum and dad!!!
….today when I look back in time and see the journey you two have had I stand here in awe…..I don't know whether to feel stunned, proud or what…I have mixed feelings….it all started when a tall dark and handsome south Indian guy in his early twenties fell in love with a bold and beautiful young Gujarati girl….though they both poles apart when you see their life journey throughout….it's astonishing to realize that these two different people with different dreams…from different places….speaking different languages…..merged so well together that they look like kites made from the same thread….accepting someone who is a total contrast to your own personality is the most difficult task to see….but I have seen these two awesome souls do it like it's a piece of cake ….the quote that life is not a bed of roses always was so well understood by them that when the times to struggle came they both held each other tight and surpassed it like any other ordinary lane in the town…..sometimes when I sit back and think as to how far can love to take someone….. these two people give me an answer saying that's the only thing man can survive with…love has brought them so far….that today they both strongly stand united….happy as they can be….cele
brating 20 years of marriage…20 years ain't a small-time….daily dealing with each other…when she messes with the food but you still eat it…she stains your fav clothes but you still keep calm….he comes home late and you wait eagerly….he behaves like a kid at times and you understand….time just flies when you live with all this in your life daily….doesn't it?????…with the vows you take during the marriage there comes extra unsaid vows too of being with each other when they are at their worst…adjusting to the other persons likes….even though you don't like it….living for them more than you do for yourself…raise up kids…go for work….and a billion other things…..after all this if you still take out time to tell each other that I love you trust me you have been an achiever then….and I have seen them both doing it very often….as romantic as they can get….they fight definitely they do but the next moment they love stronger….I love this transaction…..with all the UPS and downs you both have had you guys stand today as winners….you won love, you won people's hearts, respect, blessings… both will always be my fav couple….the most romantic one too..;)……I love you both for being my parents….I may not be too expressive in actions but my words might show my love…..
Happy anniversary mum and dad…..