
Disclaimer - This story and the characters in it are the result of the imagination of the writer and have no connection whatsoever to anything in real life.
Suraj was still sleeping. It would be quite some time before he would be fully awake and be aware of all that is happening on the terra firma. He was spoilt by choice as there was no other option left by his mother. Being raised by a single mother, Suraj got whatever attention that could be given by an overworked mother. Suraj's mother Namita was a hard-working lady both at home and outside. She was a government employee having got the job on compassionate ground after her husband, Suraj's father had died. Suraj was then only five years old and had just started going to school.
Getting the job was a great help because even though Namita was qualified, getting a government job was no easy matter.
A secure job was the primary need of the hour to bring up Suraj. Getting proper education to Suraj was the prime worry for his mother.
Although Suraj had got admitted to a good school, it was very difficult to manage him in the initial years after his father's death. Suraj was very attached to his father and this loss was impossible for him to reconcile. So the job of managing Suraj was very challenging for his mother Namita.
All the tricks Namita tried to rein in the uncontrollable Suraj.
Their family was only Suraj and Namita. There were no grandparents, so there was no one to take care of Suraj while Namita was away at work. But again Namita was very fortunate that her office was just a few hundred meters away from the house and the school where Suraj studied was even closer. So Namita could keep a tab on Suraj. But still, at the very beginning, Namita employed a governess to take care of Suraj and run the errands like dropping him off to school and bringing him back home. So all the problems fixed, Namita now could relax and think of other ways to make Suraj happy. Then began her indulgence which started in an innocent manner but would prove to be a heavy lodestone for her later.
Due to the job, money was a nonissue for Namita. She poured her heart out in purchases of toys, gifts eatables and expensive clothes for Suraj. She did this mindlessly without inquiring about the real need for it. Suraj needed his mother's presence more than the expensive bribes his mother brought every day. Because children do not value money and do not substitute it for love and attention.
So all this pampering made Suraj into a spoilt brat. Although he was sharp and intelligent his academic performance at school suffered. So every twice a year Suraj's mother was called by the school to meet the principal. Even then Suraj was promoted to the higher class with a warning every year.
Namita had this belief that with time and. age, Suraj would improve into a responsible human being. Responsible, Suraj did become but it was all loaded with conditions. Namita had ambition and high hopes for Suraj.
Though at times Suraj showed glimpses of sharp intelligence and for which Namita felt very proud. But the company and the friends which Suraj kept in school was the third rate and whatever virtues he had developed in his growing years was soon nullified. All his mates in school were from broken homes and hence were directionless in life and were potential fodder for trouble. Getting in and out of good and bad books through his school life Suraj went to college for his graduation.
In college, Suraj came face to face with real crime and felony. Thanks to the friends, Suraj became an important henchman of a low graded political leader. Namita came to know of Suraj's activities and all her advice fell on deaf ears.
Namita could not protect her son. During one election time, Suraj and some of his friends were accused of murder. A local leader had gone missing and a few days later his body was found. In a swift trial, the court sentenced Suraj and his friends to rigorous imprisonment for a good many years.
>Namita tried her best to get bail for her son but was not successful. Because the leader who was killed belonged to the party that had come to power and therefore would not consider any leniency. Namita got her second set back in life after the death of her husband. She had a few more years to go for her retirement. It would not probably be possible for her to see her son settled happily in life. Such thoughts plagued her mind frequently when she visited her son in prison.
But there is always a turning point. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Suraj had enough time in jail and when he sat alone, thoughtfully in his cell he made a sketch of his mis adventurous in life so far. He felt a deep sadness overcome him. He thought of all the troubles his beloved mother had to face up for him. There was deep lament in his mind and slowly he made a steely resolve to change once and for all.
In jail, there used to be religious sermons given by the priest who visited regularly. Suraj had a deep impression on his mind on listening to these preachings. He resolved to mend his ways and give his mother a reprieve and restore her pride and prestige.
Shortly, Suraj was released from the jail. It was early, and it was before his term ended. All because of his good conduct. His mother was very happy. She had just retired and now she would be able to devote more time to her son who had been deprived of her attention early on in life. Too late to make amends now.
But Suraj was reformed and was determined to lead a well-respected life now. He wanted to give peace to his mother to whom he had made to suffer endlessly. So he started his search for a good decent job.
But here Suraj came up against a wall. No employer wanted to hire a jail returnee criminal however reformed he may have become. The organized job market was not for Suraj.
So Suraj started his own labor and manpower providing company. He got the idea when he was in jail from an inmate. Banking companies who were setting up ATMs were in need of security guards. Suraj supplied human resources to the banks as guards and gunmen. Within a few years, Suraj became well established and earned a reputation for himself. His good behavior and good business acumen earned him a reputation and wiped away much of the earlier stigma. As it was well known that traditional business was not for Suraj, so he tried his hand at new things. During his stay in the jail, Suraj had participated in stage acting. He floated his own theatre company and started doing plays in the free time he managed. Financially, now Suraj was going from strength to strength. His mother Namita was very happy for him. She wanted that he should settle down now and raise a family of his own. Namita wanted to spend her remaining life amongst her grandchildren. But all dreams and wishes are not fulfilled. Soon, Namita suffered a stroke and died. But she died peacefully with the thought that her son had changed for the better in life and was in the path of greater goodness.
The great Metamorphosis had taken place over Suraj. Like a larva metamorphoses into a butterfly, likewise, Suraj had transformed into a better human being. Now, all of a sudden Suraj had got an offer in a film through a business acquaintance. Suraj did a stellar performance. This led to a series of offers for more films.
As his wealth grew, Suraj started to think of giving back to the society from which he had received so much. So Suraj got involved in philanthropy and became very popular in and around his neighborhood. He became the most go-to man for all the local politicians. This gave him the opportunity to fight the local body elections. His popularity now sky-high, Suraj became the peoples representative. He won an election and became a member of the local assembly. What a transformation for Suraj. His mother would be proud to see this changed Suraj. From a convict now to a person ready to give a verdict. Suraj now was a part of history. This is called metamorphosis.