Punyasloke Bose

Horror Fantasy


Punyasloke Bose

Horror Fantasy

The Mysterious House

The Mysterious House

9 mins

It was part of his daily routine. Anik followed this schedule every day. Health has been bothering Anik for the past few years. His wife Smita had warned him about his health. She had said that if he didn't take his health issues seriously then she would severely cut down his diet. Anik being a foodie did not want to compromise on his food. The family doctor had also catiouned him on his health and advised him to spend more active time in the outdoors.

From then onwards Anik had started going for long walks in the morning. Sometimes he took out his bicycle also and took a round about his little town of Radhanagar.

For the first few days Smita gave Anik company. Smita thought if she didn't motivate Anik then he could laze around and spend more time in the bed. After few days when Anik felt rejuvenated did Smita leave him alone. 

Going out in the morning, had it's benefits, Anik soon realised. The morning atmosphere was clean, clear and crisp. There was calm and peace all around as much of the humanity were still in their beds. The only sound was from the birds chirping and insects like cricket etc. making their own unique buzzing. Sometimes he was up so early that the sun was not yet risen.

On different days he took different routes. Very soon he knew each nook and corner of his Radhanagar. Then when he had explored Radhanagar and knew the town as clear as the back of his palm, then he ventured little outside. 

On the outskirts of the town there lay a big mansion surrounded by a large tract of open land. This open area had at some point of time a garden but now due to disuse it had become a den of out growth of shrubs and wild plants. 

The big house fascinated Anik. He couldn't be certain if the house was occupied. But the mansion did attract him every morning. One day he brought Smita on his bicycle to show her his find. She was also impressed but not to the extant Anik was. She being a careful person just advised Anik to be alert and not get trapped into some mystery.

One day, Anik took the courage and walked in. He entered the unkempt garden through an old dilapidated wooden gate. The gravel path previously a drive way was now sparsely covered with grass and wild shrubs. The path led to a portico. The entrance to the house was through a big wide door at the portico. A little beyond the portico was the remnants of what looked like a garage and an outhouse for the servants of the mansion. The outhouse was however in a better condition indicating that it had been habituated till recently. But now it looked vacant. Anik peeped in to be certain that there was no occupant there. 

Then Anik decided to enter the mansion. On seeing the time on his wrist watch, Anik decided otherwise and decided to return. Otherwise he would be delayed to go for his work. He promised himself that he would return to explore very soon. 

A few weeks passed and Anik could not find adequate time to explore the mansion. In the intervening period, Anik became so much preoccupied with his work that he almost forgot about the mansion. 

Then while spending time chatting with his friends in the local tea shop one evening he heard the discussion about a grand mansion on the outskirts of their Radhanagar. Anik didn't join in the conversation but just listened to the talk trying to gather as much information for himself as possible. The tea shop owner Bhola da said, 'A few years ago, the house had many residents and they were pretty well off. But one family member once came back from Africa and reportedly brought back with him a strange infectious disease which took his life. Then one by one each family member began to succumb to a strange illness. No doctor dare to visit the illfated house. The town also boycotted them.'Bhola da concluded in an anti climax style to the tragic tale.' 'Recently, an aged housekeeping staff who lived in the outhouse died and his last remains was interrred in the electric crematorium by the municipal employees wearing full sanitation kits for fear of contaminating any disease.' said Pratik da an aged resident. 

Anik was very scared hearing this confusing tale. But he couldn't suppress his curiosity. He thought of discussing the matter with Smita but later thought otherwise knowing how cautious a person she was. Smita would definitely never support his thought of exploring the mysterious house. 

The thought of the mansion never going away from his mind, Anik finally took the challenge to explore it to pacify his undying curiosity. He lied to Smita that he had some work outstation and he would be away for a few days. Smita objected and argued but finally allowed him as to stop him would be futile. 

For the next few days Anik reconnoitered the house. He couldn't complete the full round as the house had a big farm in the back of the estate. He just went past the house many times to see if he could notice anything significant. But there was no movement in or outside the mansion. 

Curiously, there was no human movement near it. 

As the news of the mysterious house spread no villager dared to come near to it. There was no dwelling or shop near it. So it was totally devoid of human presence. Anik thou

ght it to be a blessing in disguise. As he had come prepared, he had brought with him a tent. He set up the tent inside the portico so as to avoid any unnecessary gazing from the gentry of the town. 

To his satisfaction, the first day passed off without any unwanted surveillance. Now the night was a challenge. 

There was no electricity in the house so it became pitch dark immediately after sunset. During the day Anik assured of nil presence in the household. He felt now satisfied that there were no occupancy in the house. 

Emboldened of the absence of any humans in the house, Anik began making plans to enter and search the house next day. 

Having early dinner, Anik prepared to go to bed early. He had brought a mosquito net to ward off the unwanted pests and had spilt drops of carbolic acid all around the tent to keep off any snake in case he was attacked. 

Anik went off to sleep early having no activity to do. The first few hours he had a deep and peaceful sleep. 

But he was awakened from his sleep much ahead of dawn. From the blue light of his mobile he could make out from his sleepy eyes that it was now well past midnight. But it was no time to get up. Then he heard a flutter of sound from somewhere near. After hearing the sound he could smell something very unpleasant. It was very pungent like burning of flesh. 

The slurry sound was getting louder and louder. But as it was pitch dark outside, Anik couldn't see a thing. Then he remembered his mobile had a torch in it. He lit the torch and lo and behold what did he see. He saw a huge monstrous snake like object slithing on the floor and coming towards him. On further examination he discovered it to be a plant with leaf like objects all around. He realised it to be a carnivorous plant about which he had read in his biology lesson many years ago. But they were much smaller in size and just gobbled up little creatures like flies and small insects. 

Till now, Anik was calm as he was not fully awake. But slowly seeing the advancing monster and realising his helplessness to fence off this marauding creature, Anik felt a chill run down his spine. He could feel the obnoxious scent getting stronger with the approaching creature. Anik realised the terrible scent was being ejected by the monster to immobilise his prey. 

Feeling utterly helpless, Anik froze inside the mosquito net and couldn't think of getting out and run for safety. So much panic stricken he had become. 

Anik felt like fainting. His senses becoming slowly overpowered by some superior force. But however before losing his consciousness, Anik had the good sense to give a missed call to his wife Smita. 

Beginning of a new day. Smita had wondered where Anik had gone to. He didn't leave any message last night and nor did he give a call. He had not even spoke to his beloved ten years old daughter Ria. Truly this was a strange behaviour on his part thought Smita. But didn't bother calling him back thinking he might be busy. But on checking her mobile phone a little later in the morning she was startled to see his missed call around 3.00 am in the morning. Smita had been fast asleep with Ria by her side and probably her mobile had been below the pillow and the sound had been muffled. 

So now, Smita called Anik's number but there was no response. Thinking of him being busy she decided to call later. Half hour later she got the same response. Anik was not answering the call. 

Now Smita got worried. She called up the telecom service provider to trace Anik's location. The service provider told her to approach them through the Police as it could be a law and order problem. 

Then with the help of the Police and the telecom company Anik was traced. He lay unconscious entangled in a mosquito net. Surrounding him outside the net was a strange creeping plant with big fleshy leaves lying idly without causing any harm. 

The Police tried to move the creeper but it's branches were heavy like teak wood. Then the forest department was called. They could not also move the plant. 

As a last resort an expert was contacted from the botanical garden in the city some two hundred kilometres away.

Many hours later the experts came. They studied the plant and with their special equipment they moved the plant so that Anik could be moved out. 

Anik had now slowly regained consciousness but he was deeply groggy and his speech incoherent. The botany experts termed the find as a very rare one. Saying that these type of plants were known to have become extinct millions of years ago before humans had set foot on the earth. The spraying of carbolic acid had immobilised it otherwise Anik would have been it's next meal. 

As for Anik, he had become a celebrity of sorts. For the first couple of days he had to stay in the hospital to get his system working. Then he came out to a hero's welcome. 

On the national television on prime time he gave the description of his experience in a most fascinating interview watched by millions the world over. Undoubtedly Anik pocketed a fraction of the interview telecast proceeds which made him novoue riche. 

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