Punyasloke Bose



Punyasloke Bose


Woman Power

Woman Power

7 mins

'My son Ajit will marry Pooja with the condition that she will remain a pure housewife after marriage' Ajit's father Ramesh sounded out the alarm in front of the group who had come to finalise the marriage between Ajit and Pooja 

'But, Papa, this is not done. In this world today every woman has her freedom to do the work she likes, said Ajit complainingly in support of Pooja. 

' I will have the final word, 'challenged Ramesh. 

' Please calm down, Ajit's Papa, and respect the guests' sentiments, ' solicited Ajit's mother Arti. 

' We will accept whatever you want and our daughter Pooja will follow your instructions, ' Pooja' s father Ashok said conciliatingly. 

' I will support whatever Pooja wants,' Ajit said confidently. 

Argument was taking an ugly turn but Arti and Pooja's mother Mina intervened. 

Pooja was born when her parents were fighting to get their finances in order. Their struggle continued all along the growing up years of Pooja. But they did not compromise on her desires and wishes. They fulfilled her complete education and even allowed her to join a job and earn her own money. But they were a bit custom bound as far as marriage was concerned. They even worked hard to arrange for the dowry if the demand came from the groom's side. 

In fact Ramesh had made a formal demand for dowry when the first talk about marriage took place. Ajit had walked out of the discussion and threatened to refuse marriage if any further demands were made. On the contrary he offered to compensate his father monetarily if he so desired. 

Pooja did not want to marry in the first place. Because she knew marriage was a loss of her independence. But she did not want to hurt her parents sentiments because she was very grateful to them. After all what she was today just because of the sacrifices made by them. 

The connection with Ajit's family was done with the help of the matrimonial site where his family had uploaded his profile. 

Pooja's family had short listed Ajit as they liked his profile. 

In due course Ajit and Pooja were married. They started their life as husband and wife. Ajit's parents were conservative and did not like the idea of newly wedded couples going on honeymoon. Ramesh's idea was every family member should go on a holiday together and preferably to a pilgrimage. Because that is how Ajit's parents had started their married life. 

Immediately after marriage Pooja was ordered to tender her resignation from her job . Her company didn't want to accept the resignation at first and offered her with a higher salary. They offered to counsel Pooja's in laws so that they allow her to work. But all was in vain. Pooja was very disappointed. Ajit also did not like it. 

This was just the beginning. After few days Arti, Pooja's mother in law ordered Pooja to do all the household work because that is how she had started her married life. 

Ajit vehemently objected. He said those were different times and now environment and situations have changed along with families priorities. But Arti did not budge and stuck to her decision. 

As a result Pooja got glued to her daily household chores from dawn to dusk. But she did not complain but tried to do her duty to the best of her abilities. Only Ajit did not take all this lightly. 

He tried to discuss a way out of this morass with his newly wed wife Pooja. But Pooja objected saying that any other decision would be going against their parents wishes and that would be disobedience. Ajit failed to get through with his decision. He tried telling his wife that they move out of the house to some other city and work there. Pooja also wanted to be independent and have her own work life but her own family upbringing did not allow her to give indulgence to her thoughts. 

Ajit felt very helpless and ashamed on himself for not being able to help his wife. Every day he heard his mother

and father shout at Pooja for trifle matters. They had forgotten all decorum. One day they even scolded Pooja in front of her visiting parents. Ajit now could not control his emotions and had to counter what his parents said in order to protect his wife's honour. So now it became routine that shouting and quarreling took place in the household. Pooja generally kept quiet but she was purposely provoked. 

This everyday routine squabbling was draining of all the positive energy from Pooja. She was feeling dumped in a deep quagmire of negativity. This could be reflected from her facial features which was undergoing drastic change. Pooja could observe it when she stood in front of the mirror before retiring for the day. Ajit could sense her emotions but he knew how ethically thoughtful she was and she would not be motivated from her decision otherwise. 

But Pooja was now slowly moving away from her thoughts which her conscience previously prevented. She had her life and her dreams and had to fulfil it seeing life slipping away gradually. Now almost five years had gone by since her marriage to Ajit. Her parents in law were getting from bad to worse in their behaviour towards her. The even growing hatred was due to not being able to see their grandchildren even after so many years. Sometimes they even chided Ajit. But Ajit was unmoved as he loved his wife and wanted her happiness first. 

Desperate now, Pooja was scouting for any opportunity and excuses along with it to escape from this black hole of joint family which so far had given her nothing but endless torture and sorrow. The only silver line was Ajit, the pillar of strength behind her. Now Ajit had also begun to be the subject of rebuke in front of his parents. Whenever any relative visited their house it was almost certain Ajit would be verbally embarrassed before them. So Ajit was also looking out for opportunities for a getaway. 

Very soon an opportunity came knocking. It was learnt that a renowned gynecologist was visiting a neighbouring town and couples who had difficulty in becoming parents could consult her and get quick solutions. Ramesh discussed the matter with Arti and suspecting that their son and daughter in law having problem in child bearing could consult this gynaecologist. Knowing that this needed many appearances before the doctor and possibly shifting locations temporarily till successful results are received, they agreed to give permission to Ajit and Pooja to stay away from them till satisfactory results are achieved. 

This was a God send opportunity for the troubled and harassed couple. Pooja and Ajit moved out of the joint family with the parents not to return immediately. 

In the new town they found new accommodation and new jobs for both. They even consulted the doctor and satisfied themselves that there was no problem with their bodies in the road to parenthood. Only it was their decision when they wanted to become parents. 

Pooja was on cloud nine. She had now opportunities galore. She joined a company as a consultant. In her free time she started a garment business and extensively used social media to market her products. After few months finding a solid footing in the business she left the job and devoted full time to it. Now she could afford to employ more people to help the business grow. Ajit also soon joined Pooja's company as a managing director. 

Soon many many more products were added and they expanded the business to other cities. 

Pooja was soon nominated and felicitated by the local chamber of commerce as the most promising woman entrepreneur. Ajit was very proud of Pooja and never regretted their moving out of their parents house. 

Pooja's parent's in law heard from the press the adulation she was getting in the business circle. They felt very ashamed of their earlier treatment. Her mother in law Arti now realised that they had encaged Woman power without realising it's immense potential. 

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