Vida Asbe

Children Stories Drama Others


Vida Asbe

Children Stories Drama Others

Magical Cookie Time!

Magical Cookie Time!

5 mins

“Goodbye Cookie,” whispered a teenage-girl, “stay out of trouble,” she firmly added, with a smile playing on her lips. This was Emma, dressed rather scruffily, bidding goodbye to her drowsy pet mouse, Cookie. Well, this insipid morning was no different than the rest, but Emma couldn’t shake off the feeling of missing something crucial. Emma had consistently been an absentminded girl and things usually, completely, slipped off her mind. I’ve taken my homework, books, pens everything I needed to take’, reviewed Emma, ‘What can I be forgetting?’ And, with this ambiguity, she hesitantly stepped out of her room to finish her cereals.

Soon after Emma departed from the room, Cookie, whose eyes were no longer heavy with sleep, scrambled up from the warmth of her snug nest and stealthily padded to the kitchen. She was confident that even somebody like Mrs. Smith, their mercurial, early-riser cook, would not be up at this hour. Thus, Cookie freely skipped and staggered in the kitchen to find some unwrapped food (something she would be mortified to do if Mrs. Smith was around). Giving a squeal of joy, Cookie was just about to swoop on a scrumptious bit of cheese when a brawny hand harshly seized her by her tail. “I smelt you the very moment I woke up this morning!” exclaimed Mrs. Smith triumphantly, as she dangled Cookie and tossed her. A shuddering, petite Cookie flew into the air like a trapeze artist. This time, however, instead of crumbling into a heap near the kitchen doorway, she soared past it and nimbly landed in a mysterious, cozy pouch. She was so dizzy with the chuck that she slipped into a fidgety slumber as quick as a wink.

‘Bye Mrs. Smith, I’m off to school,” called out Emma, scooping up her backpack and in a jiffy, she was off to her friend, Mary’s house. They were as thick as thieves since infanthood, and always stopped by at each other’s house before mounting their school-bus. A tall Mary merrily waved when she first caught sight of Emma but looked puzzled when she came closer. Emma too was mystified by why was Mary’s pup, Benny, scampering on a leash beside Mary. “Where is Cookie, Emma?” questioned Mary, and it suddenly dawned upon Emma what she had been forgetting; Cookie!

Today was going to be the ‘Bring your Pet to School’ day but Emma had lamentably bought no pet to show. She pondered whether she could swiftly take a trip back home and fetch Cookie but the impatient screech of St. Joseph’s bus slayed her hope. Emma had no doubt that she was going to be in hot water over this. She deliberated fibbing that she had no pet, but with a groan realised that she had boasted about Cookie to her entire class. Only if Cookie could somehow, miraculously, turn up in her backpack!

Meanwhile, Cookie was in the same boat;

she was frantically struggling to figure out her whereabouts. She was asleep when her newly-established abode was lifted by somebody. She was utterly clueless as to who that ‘somebody’ was and ‘where’ were they heading. Cookie ultimately mustered enough courage to just peek out of the bizarre pouch. To her horror, she found herself in an anarchic vehicle with swarms of children and animals. Cookie, a panicky mouse, bolted in terror and gave out mild squeaks for help. But the children made such a racket that Cookie’s cries were completely drowned and her efforts were in vain, so she again buried herself in the pouch.

In St. Joseph’s bus, Mary let out an appalled gasp,” How could you Emma! Miss Gill had warned that you will be in abysmal trouble if you forget anything this week.” To evade the stark consequences, Mary and a pale Emma started to plot a plan to explain Cookie’s absence. The bus deafeningly honked at a junction across the school, but the girls still hadn’t thought of anything. “I suppose I would just have to own up,” Emma darkly concluded. When they arrived at school, the typically orderly, serene building was crammed with muddled pets, enthusiastic owners, and frazzled teachers, who were valiantly trying to reestablish some form of control. Embarrassed and feeling out of place, Emma silently slipped off to her classroom.

“Come on Mary, tell me about your lovely pup,” Miss Gill requested. Mary sat next to Emma and with a gulp Emma realised that she was next to go. “You’re next, Emma, and I sincerely hope you haven’t forgotten your pet,” probed Miss Gill, faltering Emma’s confidence. All too soon, Mary finished and Emma’s name was called upon. Emma just couldn’t reveal the truth, she had failed to gather courage. Her knees trembled like jellies as she dubiously stood up and forced herself to say, “Hello everyone. I’ve brought my pet-mouse, Cookie, for show-and-tell today”. And hoping for a miracle, she wildly thrust her hand into the side pouch of her backpack and felt a soft patch of fur. Her jaw dropped when she realised that the grubby Cookie was in her bag all along!

In the morning, when Emma had picked her bag, she was blissfully unaware that a petrified Cookie was kipping in the side pouch. She had been roused out of her nap only when Emma was on her school bus. Cookie had gallantly tried to squeal then, but her squeaks had fallen upon deaf ears. Phew! A delighted Emma let out a huge breath of relief and, thankfully, the rest of her presentation went swimmingly. Mary, flabbergasted by Cookie’s appearance, was nonetheless, jubilant for Emma. After the presentation was done Emma elatedly clasped Cookie,” How did you turn up in my bag like that Cookie?” she investigated,” Oh! Never mind! Thank you, Cookie! My presentation went so well because of you. You are the most magical mouse ever!”

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