Harsha Godbole

Children Stories Drama Others


Harsha Godbole

Children Stories Drama Others



3 mins

Dads are the most wonderful person you ever know. They do so much for the family. They sacrifice all through the life to keep their children happy. His every effort is to bring smile on the faces of his family members. If he had ten rupees in his pocket and the children demand something more than that, he is Dad who will manage and fulfill the child's demand. My Dad was my idol. He was a very fun loving person. Whenever he was at home we all enjoyed every moment.

I remember my Dad going to office by cycle. On Sundays he used to clean his cycle and did the oiling and made it ready for Monday. Whenever he used to come from his work, I used to help him in keeping the cycle on stand. We enjoyed these small things.

Recently my summer vacation had started. This was the time which every child looked forward to. This was the period of enjoyment. Although we used to get holiday homework we had lots of fun too.

One Sunday when Dad was at home I told him that I wanted to learn cycle. He was so sweet that he at once took out the cycle and told me to come out. He started teaching me how to hold the handle properly , use of brakes and proper peddling on the roads. It was real fun. I was enjoying. A week passed. Everyday when Dad used to come, he gave half an hour to teach me cycle. By now I learnt how to control the speed and use of brakes. I learnt half cycle as it was called. I couldn't sit on the seat as it was a bit high. " Come let's try to sit on the seat". " OK Dad, but

it's a bit high, isn't it ". I said. With this he told me to sit on the cycle seat and gave a push to the cycle. Before I could understand anything the cycle went speedily on the slopes and I lost control and I fell down. I got hurt with wounds on my palm and knee. Dad came running and picked me up and the cycle. Cycle chain cover got struck up and the handle was also damaged. I was worried now who will repair the cycle as next day he has to go on his duty also. In spite of the damage he did not scold me, but managed to take me and the cycle home. He washed my wounds and applied medicine . He repaired his cycle too. I thought will I be able to learn cycle or not." Don't lose hope, you will surely learn one day. I will teach you dear". I still remember these words of my Dad.

When my wounds were healed and I felt better, my Dad told me to take out the cycle. I bit scared, I did as he told me. He again helped me to sit on the cycle seat. " Now I'll leave you and you have to manage"...saying this he gave a push to the cycle. And again the cycle went down the slopy road in the same way. But this time God was beside me and gave me the strength and I could control the handle and the brakes and could pedal smoothly. Seeing me my Dad was so happy and I couldn't believe I had learnt to ride a cycle. It was my Dad's patience and believe in me that I could do so. Although his cycle got damaged many times, he never got angry. My Dad was a real hero for me.

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