Just A Random Thought !
Just A Random Thought !

Dear Diary,
It's a gloomy morning today. Can see a drastic weather change here; was a bright sunny day yesterday and today I see its raining with a hailstorm. For some reason, I wanted to a day off from work and sit back. But do you think, I will ever get to do that ..huh !? Who would then do the daily chores :o ... I then thought to rather do some dusting, hover and laundry.
After the daily dose of exercise and the mandatory tea session with my husband, I picked up the vacuum cleaner and commenced. It's quite heavy and you lose almost all the energy in just doing one room; there are three more to attend, which is very annoying. Throughout, we were discussing why not buy a cordless hoover to ease this activity. And then I sat down with the I pad, started browsing all the available options. Phew!!!.. those smiley icons which I saw while reading the reviews; I could see only a few smilies posted. I was then wondering, who invented these smilies? Was it any radical thought or it was an accidental creation? Uhm
m, I then searched on the internet and found answers to my questions. Surprised to know that it was invented way back in 1963, I was like 'Really'...If it was that long ago, then why was it not a part of our curriculum like shorthand?
I was also thinking, have these inventions made life easier or made people lazier to type in their thoughts or emotions rather. Are they of any help or are they more of cheat chits? For me, it does not really help; I would love to write more about what I feel to share my emotions rather only using these pictures or emotion icons to express. Writing down helps the emotion flow endlessly and in my opinion, I would love to read notes than seeing smilies and assuming the icon's meaning. Well, it would have been a boon if those smilies would have come with audio!
Eventually, we decided and ordered our new cordless hover- Happy Me.
Otherwise, cooking meals, doing the dishes along with a bit of chit chat and laughter together was about the rest of the day.