Anshika Jena

Others Children


Anshika Jena

Others Children

Interesting Facts (Part-3)

Interesting Facts (Part-3)

2 mins

Hey guys !!! I am back with this series. And I promise to complete it in this week. So hope y'all enjoy this one. 


Dolly was preparing for the quiz competition, the whole week and her elder sister Ellie had helped her a lot with it. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and as the quiz competition will be on Monday, Dolly was busy preparing for it. Ellie had completed her chores so she came to the room, and asked Dolly -:

Ellie - "Dolly, do you need to know more interesting facts about any certain topic ? "

Dolly - "Of course sis I would love to. Hmm... Sis, can you tell some facts related to space as I don't think I know any facts related to this topic. "

Ellie - "Sure, I will write it down in the notebook and I would hand it over to you. "

Dolly - "Okay."

Ellie then took her notebook and started writing some facts about space. After writing the facts, Ellie gave the notebook to Dolly. Dolly began reading the facts and tried to memorise all of it as well. These are the facts that Ellie had written -:

1- You can't stand on Uranus !! 

2- The whole of Mars is as cold as the South Pole. 

3- Saturn's rings are 90% water. 

4- Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede has a salty ocean that contains more water than on Earth !! 

5- Mercury takes roughly three Earth months to orbit the Sun. 

6- It would take 100 times longer to travel around the Sun than the Earth !! 

7- A day is longer than a year on Venus !! 

8- Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet in our solar system - we have five other dwarf planets as well. 

9- The solar system is roughly 4.5 billion years old !! 

10- The solar system might not end with Pluto, there maybe other undiscovered planets !! 

Dolly loved the facts and thanked her sister Ellie for letting her know these facts. Afterwards both of them did their work. Dolly was now fully prepared for the quiz competition and she hoped to get the 1st position in the competition. Dolly wished herself luck and then drifted into her dreamland. 

So this was "Interesting Facts (Part-3)" and there is only one more part left and after that this series will be finally completed. But don't worry new series is on the way and to get more updates regularly, follow my account. 

Bye :) 

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