Ali Ashhar



Ali Ashhar


Ideal Son

Ideal Son

9 mins

Mr and Mrs Faroqui are gearing up for the homecoming of their son. Mrs Faroqui is steaming the chicken-curry in the kitchen. Today is her favourite day of the year as she will be meeting her son after 11 months who has just completed his third year of engineering. The clock tick-tocks 8 PM in the evening and the flight is about to land. Mr Faroqui eagerly drives to the airport to welcome his son. 

Son enters, they hug and greet each other. 

Mr Faroqui: How’s my son doing?

Ayan: I am all well, Dad.

They reach home and finally comes the overwhelming moment.

Mrs Faroqui: How have you been my son? Aren’t you taking care of yourself well. You look so lean.

Ayan: It’s all workload and hustle of life, but I am coping well with all the challenges.

They sit at the dining table and discuss how life have changed for them. How much they miss these dining table conversations. How much they miss those good times when. Ayan tell them he feels the same.

Mrs Faroqui: Tell me how is the chicken curry? 

Ayan: Yummy! Nothing can match the taste your hand holds. 

Mrs Faroqui tells Ayan to go and check his room. 

Ayan: Everything is fine here, Mom. Now, I will be hitting the bed as I am tired. 

Mrs Faroqui: Take care, Good night! 

It’s 7 AM in the morning. Mrs Faroqui asks Ayan to get up and come at the dining table for the breakfast. Ayan makes his way to the table. Mr Faroqui leaves for his office in a hurry. 

Ayan: Mom, why is he in a hurry? 

Mrs Faroqui: We had kept it between us but since you are asking, I should tell you that we have become debt-ridden. There is a lot of pressure on your father for your studies as well as managing our finances. Before going to office, he will meet a real estate dealer for he will be selling our flat to manage the expenses of your studies. He is dealing with a lot of stress these days. Parents sacrifice every fibre of their body so that their children have a bright tomorrow. 

Ayan (with tears in his eyes) : Mom, you should have told me earlier. Since childhood I have seen you both sacrificing a lot for me but today I feel what it’s like for parents to raise their children. Mom, I promise you I will leave no stone unturned to give all what I got for you guys. I will work immensely hard and try to get a good job. 

Mrs Faroqui: Yes, Ayan. Not only a good job but we also want to see you as a good human being. 

Ayan: I promise you, Mom.

Next day, Ayan watches his dad sitting silently in his room. He could read his sorrows. 

Mr Faroqui was going through a lot. He used to start having sleepless nights. He is worried about the finances as well as Ayan's future. 

Mrs Faroqui tries to uplift him. She asks him not to worry so much about the future. She requests him to have faith in Allah

Mrs Faroqui: I know you are facing a lot of financial troubles these days but believe Allah will not let us down. Let’s have faith in him. Our son will secure a bright future for us. Have faith. There was hope for Joseph even in the well. There was hole for Abraham even in the fire. There was hope was Jonah even in the belly of the whale. These adversities shall pass. We shall overcome hardships. 

Mr Faroqui: Everything looks so messed up right now. I don’t how things are going to be for us in the future. It’s becoming difficult for me to bear all this. I don’t know what to do. 

Mr Faroqui has given up hope and his health starts deteriorating.

 Ayan is feeling sad for his father. Watching his health deteriorate, Ayan asks him to visit a doctor. 

Mr Faroqui: No, Ayan. I am alright. I can handle this. 

Ayan: Dad, I can see your health and peace deteriorating. Please listen to me. Let’s go to a doctor for check-up. 

Mr Faroqui finally agrees. They visit a doctor and he prescribes him some medicines. Mr Faroqui starts talking anti-depression pills. Mrs Faroqui tries her level best to console him but to no avail.

Soon Ayan’s vacation and he comes back to college. 

Mrs Faroqui: You are leaving this place now but home and parents are two things which can never leave a child’s heart. You know what your father is going through. Go my son and give your best in your studies. We want your success and nothing else. Only your success can make a way out of this for us. 

This incident changes Ayan completely. He goes back to college.

He works immensely hard. The sacrifices of his parents revolves in front of his mind day and night. Armaan, who is one of the dearest friends of Ayan notices this sudden change in him and asks him the reason. 

Armaan: Ayan, you look tense. I have seen you working so hard yet you are lost somewhere these days. 

Ayan: Dude, I remember how my parents raised me. How much they have sacrificed for me and now they are selling our flat located in New Bombay. I want to give my best so that I may get a job and I could gift my parents all that they have sacrificed for me and much more. Allah says in the Quran, “We have commanded people to honour their parents. Their mother bore them in hardship and delivered them in hardship. Their period of bearing and weaning is thirty months. In time, when the child reaches their prime at the age of forty, they pray, “My Lord! Inspire me to always be thankful for your favours which you have blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please you.” We owe a lot to our parents, Armaan. 

Armaan: Look friend, children are like one of greatest gifts of God to parents. With the seeds of sacrifice, they plant our tree of life. It’s good to see that you realize so much. Nowadays, there are children who don’t even care what all odds their parents have gone through to bring them up. I know, you will definitely succeed in your mission. All the best. 

Ayan: Thank you, Armaan for your uplifting words. It means a lot to me. Sharing sorrow is easing sorrow. Thank you for sharing my pain. I am lucky to have a friend like you. 

Ayan hustles day in and day out. He is on a quest of faith. He believes his faith will help him achieve the unthinkable. 

His teachers notice this change in him and they too start guiding him keenly. He establishes himself as one of brightest students of the campus. He works tirelessly to make him parents happy. The days of campus interview arrives and he is hired by Google. He meets Armaan post-interview and gives him the news. Armaan congratulates him on this achievement.

 Armaan: Ayan, you nailed it! I know your parents will be so happy to hear this. Go and tell them this good news. I have seen your immense love for your parents. The way you sacrificed, the way you hustled day in and day out, the way you prayed diligently with faith in Almighty. It was commendable. Your parents are lucky to have a son like you who cares for them so much. 

He calls his mother to convey the news. 

Phone rings. Mrs Faroqui picks up the call. 

Ayan: Mom, I have a great news! I have been hired by Google. 

Mrs Faroqui: Glory be to Allah! I am proud of you my son. I have no words to express my emotions right now. You have done a tremendous job! Our sacrifices….They didn’t went in vain. I will convey this news to your Dad. When are you visiting us in India? 

Ayan: Sorry, Mom. It will take some time, but we will meet in future. 

Ayan wanted to meet them but couldn’t as he makes a promise to himself that he will only see his parents when he is able to gift them flat in Los Angeles. He works immensely hard and is keenly focussed on his work. He has a mission to achieve. 

Mrs Faroqui calls Mr Faroqui in the living room to give him the news. 

Mrs Faroqui: By the grace of the Almighty, our son has been hired by Google. 

On hearing this Mr Faroqui breaks into tears. 

Mr Faroqui: Oh Allah! It’s the biggest news of my life. To see a son succeed is the greatest bliss for a father. I don’t know how to thank Allah. I feel like I am healing from all that I went through. Children are the greatest gifts of Allah to us. And today, I feel it! 

Mrs Faroqui: I always used to say that Allah won’t let us down. If he can bring Abraham safe from the fire and Jonah from the belly of the whale. Then he can do the same for us. He has blessed us abundantly. Our son has made us proud. All our sacrifices paid off. I can’t be happier more. 

Mr Faroqui: Glory be to Almighty! When are we going to see Ayan. I want to hug him and tell him how are we feeling. 

Mrs Faroqui: We will be meeting him soon. I feel he working on something big. 

Meanwhile, Ayan has still a lot to achieve and he has great ambitions to follow. For him, he was working for the future of his parents. He a goal in mind and desire in heart. 

Two years later he succeeds in buying a flat. He now wants to meet his parents and give them a surprise. So now,he can’t wait more to see his parents. He buys flight tickets for them and sends the tickets to his parents. He asks them to visit him. His parents affirm. 

They are on their way to Los Angeles. Mr and Mrs Faroqui arrive at the airport. 

Ayan drives his car to the airport. He warmly receives them. 

Mr and Mrs Faroqui's joy knew no bounds after seeing their son. He is met with warm hugs, blessings and the brightest smile on the face of their parents. It was an emotional meet up. He tells them about his life here. He tells them that he has been running a philanthropic organization since he wants to give underprivileged somewhat of what life has given him. Mom… Dad… I remember and adore your teachings. Let’s go to our place. 

He drives them home. 

Ayan: Welcome, this is your home. 

Mr Faroqui: We are awestruck! I can’t believe. 

Ayan: This was my oath, Dad. Since the day, Mom told me you were selling our flat to meet the expenses of my studies, I realized how much you have sacrificed for me, and I know every parent does. So accept this flat as a gift from your child who. This gift may be expensive but to me you both are priceless and timeless gifts of Allah. 

Mrs Faroqui: I can’t be more proud to call myself your mother. 

Ayan: Come on. Let me show you our home. This is for all the sleepless nights and sacrifices you both went through for me.

With grit, determination and commitment Ayan achieved what an ideal son should achieve. He now resides in Los Angeles and does a lot of philanthropic works. He also teaches poor kids at his home for no-cost. He believes if you are privileged then it’s an obligation upon you to give the world something and help the underprivileged. Mr and Mrs Faroqui couldn’t be happier seeing how well their son is performing. He is not only a good professional but also a good human being trying to give world a little of what this world gave him. Their sacrifices paid off. 

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