I Never Got What I Wanted.... Chapter 4 (Fast Updates)
I Never Got What I Wanted.... Chapter 4 (Fast Updates)

Hello Guys! How are ya'll! Here is chapter 4!
Check out the other chapters in my profile :D.
On with the story...
Precap: Lucas and Matthew saw the servant and ran towards them, just then they saw somebody.
Lukas: YOU?
Sm1: Yes, me! Why do you care? Just leave him.
Lucas: Matthew, go inside and don't you dare hurt yourself, or else I will not talk to you. (to sm1) JUST GO FROM HERE, HEART BREAKER.
Anna: Yeah, yeah.
Lucas: YOU! Why did you call Matthew in the morning!? What do you want!!!!!!!!??
(Here I'm revealing that Anna was the one who called Matthew and King Mon was not calling the servant, Anna was.)
Anna: Uhmm, for fun?
Lucas: "Uhmm, for fun?" (mimicking her)......YOU! GET AWAY FROM HERE.
Anna : Awwwwwww, NO.
Lucas: My ways are different from Matthew's. GO!
Anna got scared and ran away without taking the servant.
Servant: .........
Lucas: WHAT?
Servant: ...................
Lucas: Oh, Jesus.
Saying this, he grabbed his gun and shot him.
Lucas: Matthew. was. is. and. always. will. be. my. brother.
(cold voice)
He went to Matthew's room and knocked. Matthew obeyed his orders as he knew he will really not talk to him if he disobeyed.
Lucas: Open, brother. (trying hard to be sweet but his voice is still dangerous because of what happened)
Matthew opened the door and burst out crying.
Lucas: I agree, what she did in the past was, wrong, VERY WRONG.
Matthew nodded.
Matthew: Jesus, she came here with so much courage.
Lucas nodded and rubbed his back.
Lucas: Brother is always with you, okay?
Matthew nodded with a huge smile.
Lucas got up and went to Matthew's closet. He opened one drawer and took a diary from there. He opened it and start reading it.
18-8-2019, 18th August 2019. Anna betrayed me. ANNA? ANNA? With whom I shared everything and loved her. All people get blind in love, so blind that after betrayal every door is closed for them, but not the "Death Door".
Nope, cliffhanger. ^=^.
What might be Matthew's past?
What way does Lucas adopt, that is more dangerous than Matthew's way?
Next chapter...... COMING SOON!