I Hate You
I Hate You

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re doing fine.
Um, that’s too formal, right then telling you direct words
So basically this is me trying to apologise for the thousand times I didn’t call you back, left you on ‘seen’ and of course, for each time I roamed around with all my other friends at the cost of cancelling plans with you. To be honest, I took you for granted. I always believed that you’d be there no matter what and as much as that was supposed to comfort me, it made me drift away from you. You know how I was always looking for new things to do, places to visit, people to befriend? That’s what happened with you, I guess. I was so busy trying to surround myself with other people that I completely forgot that you were standing there, in a corner, waiting for me to come back. But I never did. On time, I mean.
You must be wondering why I’m writing this letter to you after so many years and what actually made me notice you this time. Everything, actually. I was going through all the letters my friends wrote to me and guess who had writ
ten most of them? You. And stupid me, I just never noticed how much you loved me, how much you cared for me. I never reciprocated even a part of your love, never cared half as much as you, never missed you the way you missed me. But today, I miss you. I genuinely do.
I wish I had noticed you, I wish I had stopped you when you finally got tired of waiting for me and decided to leave, I wish I had gone to watch all those movies with you, had all those conversations with you, I wish I had been there with you when you really wanted me to. Above all, I wish I had hugged you and told you that I’m sorry. Well, better late than never. I don’t know if this makes sense after all these years but I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ve found better friends who don’t fail you, who actually care for you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. And if by the rarest of chances you haven’t found them yet, I think going to that little cafe close to your place with me is a great backup plan, what say?
The stupidest and the liar person on earth who let you go