Bhavani Sundaram



Bhavani Sundaram


How well do you know yourself

How well do you know yourself

1 min


You have been asked this question many times I am sure, “how well do you know yourself??” and most of the time you reply, I do know myself very well much better than my family, friends and foes.

But the reality is different, knowing yourself is never easy, know yourself but don’t be led astray, but how do you know who you are when you are different every day.

Somedays you are the smart one, some days I am the smart one for answers people need, some days I am the strong on

e, standing up and taking the lead.

On other days, I am sure that if the wind blew you too hard you would shatter like a glass and get scattered all over the ground into million shards and on those days, you would cower and hide out from the world waiting for your inner child to blossom and unfurl.

But each day you are am surprised by the newness you see all around you , the things you discover daily, it is difficult to know oneself when all things are rolled into one, and you must simply decide to love whatever you become.

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